I disagree, in any sense that you could possibly mean that. Seems like all pictures DO is lie. You can never REALLY tell what someone looks like from just a picture. Even photodocumentation can be faked, staged, or misinterpreted.
The picture shows and exact likeness of what was taken, but the story behind the picture may not be the whole truth. ("Never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see".)
Disagree. Look at this one... looks nothing like me.
Disagree. When there were protesters against killing John Wayne Gacy (serial killer)the TV cameras ONLY shows the people who wanted him spared. The cameras did NOT show the Marines on the other side of the street with a bodybag that represented each of his victims. In the Hippies days, protesters would clump a handful of people in front of the camera to make it look like a large crowd. Also, if the photographer doesn't like someone, they just take 120 pictures rapidly to get one where the person has one eye open and their tongue sticking out to make them look foolish. You'd never notice it if you were there, but take enough pictures and anyone will look goofy. Pick up any Enquirer The camera can make a lie!
Disagree, The way pictures can be manipulated now with todays technolgy. You just don't the whole story behind the pictures;)
Whoever told you that is a liar.
One word: Photoshop.
When i used to go "house hunting", properties always looked worst than they did in the pictures.
Disagree, Pictures can be deceiving.
Disagree. Especially when it comes to photographs of people. Some people are just not photogenic. I know very attractive people who couldn't take a decent picture to save their lives..
Disagree, There are too many ways to manipulate photo's.
Disagree. I take a terrible picture. I know I don't look that bad in real life.
Disagree.They can be taught to lie!
Nowadays? Totally disagree. Way back before all the manipulation programs it was true. But not anymore.
Calvin and Hobbes, in one strip, have proven that pictures do lie. :) And even so, if an interpretation is based on perception or even taste, then whether it's a drawing or photograph, excluding technical shenanigans, then they lie a lot. If that's what we can call it.
Does my head really look like a fishbowl?
I disagree. Even without Photoshop if you get something from certain angels you can make it look much different then what is actually going on.
Disagree. :)
I disagree. More here:
The only truth in any image is the reflection of the observer.
It depends on the observer.
Depends if you mean "photographs" OR "pictures. Firstly Photographs themselves never lie, and this is because cameras take an exact copy of what the camera lens sees. Its the post manipulation that "lies" (photoshop for example) ALSO its in the eye of the beholder to make such an assumption. Say if you looked at a photo and have your own opinion of the subject matter but that may not nessicarily what is there and may not be the opinion of others who also view the image. Also cameras can pick up things the naked eye cannot see ie: long exposures at night produce awesome effects which you cant see without a camera. So to Wrap it up, Photographs do not lie, people do :) thats just my opinion
I disagree.The original could have been edited by technology.Or , what about superimposing?
Used to be true before the days of "paint" and Photoshop. I have put lots of people who couldn't stand each other together in pics, then sat back and watched the show when I showed them the pic of them with their arm around their enemy, all cozy and buddied up. Hilarious!! I definitely disagree.
Disagree. You never know what is in the mind of the person(s) smiling in the picture. Some people have wonderful smiles that never belie their true feelings. My grandmother recently remkared to me that we all looked so happy and having fun and pictures never lie. She said this in reference to the fact that I've cut off contact with her son 12 years ago. What do you say when the person is 90 years old? Fact: I am having fun with my aunts & cousins & new fiancee. Not with her son. In pics posed with my new fiancee & her son & his wife, I am grinning from ear to ear because I am newly engaged and loving my extended family. I think that pictures NEVER tell the entire story.
no. a lot of times it can look like something bad and people jump to conclusions. pictures can also start trouble because people use photoshop to make them prettier then they are.
images can be edited to lie.
i think its true
Disagree - as pictures almost always lie, or -to be more precise- only show what the picture taker/maker wants to show. Photo's and drawings can be made and misinterpreted no differently from words and sounds. Look at it this way, if a picture is all the "evidence" it took, then why are there still court cases to prove guilt? The reason is that a case still needs to be presented for interpreting the evidence.
Not with photoshop.
Here's an example of manipulation:
Song Lyric: "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what your eyes behold. And if you can't say something good about someone don't say nothin' at all!" I realize this is grammatically incorrect, but its lyrically accurate. And something of which I needed to be reminded. (trying to do better going forward) Please forgive me for the times I didn't hold my tongue. Speaking of tongues... did you know most of your brain is used to control your tongue?
I agree to disagree. Photography cannot be defined as truthful, yet it is not a lie either. If someone takes a picture of you, no one can argue it is not you. The unreality takes place when you start editing your photos. Social media and its "likes" or "shares" is what compels people to act, share, respond and interact.
i think its true
I AGREE isn't everything on the web the truth? Nov.22.2018 Thur. 12:23
Some people use pictures to lie. They use Photo shop, Gimp, Microsoft Paint, ect to change pictures to look different.
Disagree . . pictures is a big lie
That reminds me of the saying: "figures don't lie but liars figure".
Unless they have been Photoshopped and become something else...haha Hi AG.
Totally disagree!
Sorry about running you off, AG. If you read this, come back.
The best pictures can do is capture an image of the past. So they become inaccurate an instant later, or they may never have been accurate if the lens is dirty etc.
A photo could be an accurate image of a point in time if taken honestly; maybe you mean they become obsolete? Even then, they remain our "time portal" to the past.
I agree with you 😇
That adage should be changed to, "Polaroids never lie."
Agree unless they are Photoshopped.
Both agree and disagree as it depends on the picture. Some pictures are photoshopped and others are not.
I definitely don't agree pictures nevr lie. That is if you mean by pictures photographs. Photos can be manipulated. Can you say photoshop? Plus how the photo is taken can influence how people see it. Perspective, cropping, angle and other issues. Go see sites on photo debunking.
Disagree. These days we have "photoshop" which can make pictures lie easily!
This is why I stopped watching UFO and Ghost documentaries. Its all bullshit.
they can today..they can be fake .and have things added to them now days
very easily photoshopped
Can you say photoshop? Even without photoshop angles can be manipulated, the range of the camera can be a factor. There is a case of photo little girl with what looks like, at first glance, an alien. It's back view of her mother. Photographs can be misinterpreted on what's seen.
"Don't believe everything you see on the internet!" - Abraham Lincoln, 1776.
Any pic can be doctored.
To share another answer, a picture captures a moment in time. It brings back the memories, feelings and emotions of that moment. But the distance and exposure can sometimes throw off a picture. This is why editing apps exist.
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