Lol I don't understand the question. :)
Linda Joy
"That's what I don't understand" is the lady's reply! -
Rick Myres
8-12-2017 Oh! That is so profound! I'm whelmed! ... Not overwhelmed, but still, ... whelmed.
Linda Joy
It's a quote from a preview on one of my psych DVDs. I love Psych. And the preview made me laugh. Whellmed, good one! I like that! -
Linda Joy
The thing about a quote like this is that it can be profound or empty depending on the minds that entertain it. -
Jewels Vern
The thing about psych is most of it is baloney. But most students don't care. So they get ahead of the detractors by admitting at the start that it doesn't make any sense. That way they don't have to defend it. -
Linda Joy
I'm talking about Psych the comedy tv show that ran for 8 years, I think! I have seasons 1, 2 and 5. And the quote came from a show I've never even seen. -
Jewels Vern
I stopped watching tv about 25 years ago. Now I run across "Remember When?" blurbs and I am clueless. -
Linda Joy
I haven't watched regular TV in at least five years.
2 more semesters perhaps 3 if you count the summer.
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