• It's usually about seeing the sights and being a tourist in other areas without having the cost of a hotel tacked on. I used to like my camp trailer when I was logging in other areas and going home every night was not practical. 1/14/25
    • ★Stevo
      she'll sit at the caravan park following the shade around a tree and read a book for a week knowing her. All the tourist sites on the way are on winding roads where theres very spots a caravan can pull up small carparks that will have people other there. Saving the cost of the hotel would be her idea she wouldn't know how to buy fuel . Caravans not got ground clearence it cant go to much off road Reason I asked question is Im after the boring points of caravaning to tell her nicely why Im not taking her. They have onsite cabins at the caravan park
    • dalcocono
      Sounds like she just wants to get out of town for awhile.
    • ★Stevo
      its the must take the caravan part that probly killed her husband Im starting to think.
    • dalcocono
      Uh-oh! Careful then!
  • Lol! I've never towed a caravan Stevo, if I go away and stay in a caravan it's usually one of those large static ones or lodges. I gather it's for the same reason, to experience a different place, what it offers, and the people there. You can just say No, especially when it's a chore for you and you can'tsee any positives in it for yourself.
  • 1/17/2025, have a vacation parked in the middle of nowhere. Depending on the condition of the caravan, you can enjoy the luxury of a real home when on the road. The adventures will soon follow. lol
    • ★Stevo
      you wont drag a caravan to my version of the middle of nowhere.

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