He faked being shot, he's a showman. However, I can't stomach Kamala Harris, I have no idea what she is talking about half the time, the word sandwiches are annoying, as are the fake accents, no idea what she's about but given her history it isn't good. Still look at our politicians, the worlds gone to pot. It's a circus, bring on the clowns, but no one is laughing.
He did not fake getting shot according to the FBI. That is just more online propaganda. An excerpt; "FBI releases a statement On Friday, July 26, the FBI released a statement addressing Trump's ear injury. “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said, per the Washington Post. -
I have no idea about online proganda, but if a man gets shot with a gun, 1) The bullet or fragments usually take a piece of the ear with it, 2) It would take longer than 5 days to heal, all you need is knowledge, eyes and common sense. -
Right, I suppose he faked the people in the stands behind getting shot too.
The Fact Checkers have recorded over 30,000 lies. He totally says any thing and many people believe him. An example, he said he was almost killed in a helicopter crash with Mayor Brown. Mayor Brown said this never happened.
Hes so bad plenty of people say when I ask them why they say that they dont answer. or go on about one of his bs court cases. He wasn't a career politician. So what hes an Ahole when your the boss barking out orders this is whats happening. you are doing what I tell you to do.. If he drains the samp alot of republicians will hang also Ill say hes a top bloke.
His character is awful (morally speaking), and he seems to have no control over what words pop out of his mouth. * That doesn't mean that he can't be an effective President...with the right people working for him. * It's really a quandary for me. On the one hand, we have recession, pro-abortion, failure to control illegal immigration and failure to defend Ukraine even with months of warning ahead of time about the invasion (see: recession). On the other, we have terrible character and quite likely even worse policy for Ukraine (Trump seems very, very pro-Russia). It's a no-win situation for voters. You have to pick out the planks in each platform that can be accomplished and that likely will, and choose the less of two evils. Choose which will harm the nation and the World - and especially: you personally - least.
Very, very bad.
How so? Please tell ?come answer the question?
He tried to overthrow the government. How much worse do you have to be.
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