Don't be silly. The US made a mistake and will pay for it dearly by electing that class clown.
Very courageous answer. -
we are dough 68
Very realistic answer. -
Linda Joy
Pay for it how? Do tell! -
He is doing much, much better than Barack Obama did.
Why would he (or anyone elected to office) be "the savior?"
Because there are over 100 million Americans out of the labor force. Millions of the forgotten are trusting in him. They have pledged allegiance to him as if he were a deliverer of deliverers. -
Hardcore Conservative
There's actually about 102 million Americans who are not in the labor force. And your statement doesn't match with the video, dear. "I swear I'll vote for Donald Trump" is not any kind of allegiance to him, especially as a god. What you'll find is that his message was much better than his opponents, and there were many voters who didn't so much as vote for Trump as against Hillary. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. -
You are only looking at the surface. Just by the end of last year, there were 96 million Americans who were unemployed. Now with "102 million Americans" as you say out of the labor force, it only validates the video I added to prove why millions of Americans are trusting in Trump as the savior of the US to put Americans back to work. By pledging allegiance to him, that's exactly how Nero was observed as a God in 54 AD to 68 AD. So I would suggest you dig deeper than to suggest to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. -
Quote: "What you'll find is that his message was much better than his opponents," His message that won him the presidency didn't get any clearer when he spoke of jobs. -
Hardcore Conservative
At the end of last year, there were 94million (out of a 322million population) people who were able to work, but didn't. That's part of the "real" unemployment rate. The U6 rate. The "official" unemployment rate, the U3 rate, doesn't take those folks into account. But what does that tell you? It tells me that feeding off the government teet is a way of life now, as there is no incentive to actually go work. Why work when the government will continue to provide? Albeit at the expense of those working. One of Trump's campaign platforms was to cut social welfare benefits of those who refuse to contribute. And tie that along with cutting corporate tax rates to bring employers back to the US and employ Americans (as opposed to those not legally entitled to work in the US), all that will improve the economy and the individuals. So again, none of that validates your video, nor does it validate any kind of allegiance to anyone. Even Donald Trump. -
Hardcore Conservative
I did update my numbers as I didn't find the lastest numbers when I first commented. My 94+million out of the labor force if from Jobenomics, one of the few places that lists actual numbers as opposed to shadowy percentages. -
By the 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics, actually 96 million unemployed Americans was the issue behind "shadowy percentages." There could have been more than said. Not all unemployed Americans were counted during last year, since the unemployment rate is happening at a high rate. Trump said in his campaign that 93 million Americans were out of work. The bottom line, the unemployment rate is way too high. The "322 million American population" are dominated by mostly minorities, not white America. It is the little over 100 million Americans who have to diminish their values to get a job in a country that has been controlled by cheap labor during the Obama years. -
Quote: "So again, none of that validates your video, nor does it validate any kind of allegiance to anyone. Even Donald Trump." It's easy for you to say if you have a job, but if you were in the position of Trump's supporters, you would observe Trump as the savior of the US to put over 100 million Americans back to work. Not only that, you would pledge allegiance to him as an icon by the words he spoke to get him elected. Again, his message that got him elected was about jobs. -
Hardcore Conservative
I agree that the unemployment is too high. For white Americans (72% of the population) and for minorities. And the reasons for the high rate are many. But Congress won't act on them. If you actually watch the video, he's asking everyone in the crowd to pledge to vote. For him in the upcoming election. He's not asking people to swear fealty to him unconditionally. And I do have a job and I am one of his supporters. Is he going to put everyone back to work? Most definitely not. What you have to remember is that the President, no matter who it is, can only do so much. Congress has to act. And I won't hold my breath for that to happen. As far as what got him elected, jobs was one of those messages. Americans had many different reasons why they voted for him. Some were just voting against Hillary. -
The issue here in Trump's remarks is to put white America back to work. The problem isn't with minorities, they are satisfied with what they can find. It's white America that has to compete with cheap laborers just to hold a job. When Trump spoke of the unforgotten, he wasn't targeting all minorities. Between the lines, we know who he was speaking of. If we take everything literally, all there is to say that there is 322 million Americans living in the US, so a little over 100 million Americans who are unemployed is not a big deal. It is a big deal, because most white millennials are more likely to agree with the statement that the American Dream is no longer a possibility no matter how hard you work. This is were the savior abstraction comes in to give the unforgotten some aspiration. -
Quote: "If you actually watch the video, he's asking everyone in the crowd to pledge to vote." Once again, this is just the surface that was seen and spoken. The pledge of allegiance has always been an expression of allegiance to the flag, not an emperor. -
Hardcore Conservative
Minorities are satisfied with what they can find? Really? And it's not white Americans who are competing for low income jobs. It's every American who is competing with foreign labor. Immigrants, especially the illegal kind, will work for low wages and long hours, unlike most Americans, minority or not. And the reason that the American dream is becoming unachievable by most, the millennials especially, is because most are not willing to put in the work to achieve it. It should be given to them. The is the entitlement generation. The generation of free stuff. The generation of no responsibility. So how are you suggesting that a full third of the population being unemployed is no big deal? When you have the top 20% of wage earners paying 87% of all federal income taxes, the lower 40% actually receiving more money than they contribute, you're damn right that the American dream is hard to get. The unforgotten are those who are paying and getting short-changed in the end because it's being given to those who only take. -
Hardcore Conservative
And the Pledge is not about pledging allegiance to the cloth flag, nor to the President, whomever it might be. It's about allegiance to the Republic. To America. Most Americans forget that. People forget what Kennedy said about "ask(ing) not what your country can do for you..." Hell, most of us aren't even Americans anymore. We're, as Teddy Roosevelt put it, "hyphenated Americans." That just means that there's something more important than being an American to many. Sad. -
Thanks for sharing your dejected remarks. Unless you say the pledge was not about pledging allegiance to the suit Trump was wearing, then the video is clearly seen how his supporters were pledging allegiance to him. It doesn't matter if it was just a simple pledge to vote, This is how you see it. Symbolically, the pledge was about the words Trump spoke in his campaign, who he is and what he stands for "to keep his supporters loyal to him." Loyalty is based on support and allegiance, which is exactly what the video is about, to pledge allegiance in "all hail" as emperors in history used to be pledged. -
Hardcore Conservative
Well, it seems you already drank the rest of the KoolAid. Your hyperbolic belief that the mindless conservatives have sworn a blood-oath the Lord and Savior, Mr Donald J Trump is both ostensible and rueful. -
Hold on with the Kool-Aid. I am not a politician. I just like to hear other people's views. I do think there is more than meets the eye, but only time will tell. :) -
Hardcore Conservative
I think you're way off base. I voted for Trump because it was more of a vote against Hillary. Personally, I was stuck between Ben Carson and Rand Paul, but I had some problems with both of them. I think we need a businessman running this country, but I do concede that he's kind of a jerk and not a very good orator. -
Hardcore Conservative
But it is good to have a good discussion about things. This site has been lacking that for awhile. -
I'm looking at both sides of the coin. I understand how you chose Trump, he had a better message, regardless of how he expressed himself. Trump's role and his message were the center of attention. By his remarks, he brought excitement to politics, even if takes calling others sons of bitches. -
Hardcore Conservative
Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade. People want ethics in politics, not pandering. -
The people sure got an entertainer in the oval office. lol -
Hardcore Conservative
Not sure about entertaining, but definitely interesting. -
Donald Trump has experience as an entertainer. This isn't difficult to see. Some of his TV roles in The Apprentice and the WWE made him the entertainer that he is today in the oval office. This video is hilarious: -
By Trump calling others sons of bitches, obviously he was inspired by Stone Cold Steve Austin who is known for the SOB remarks. -
Hardcore Conservative
I don't think it was Steve Austin who inspired him. I think it might have been the American people who are tired of the BS politicians. I'm glad we have someone who speaks their mind. It's refreshing. -
I am part of the American people, and I don't feel that using obscene language is necessary to justify an issue. You know better than to express yourself with such vulgarity. By the looks of it, Trump and Austin had some remarks in common. It's no surprise that Stone Cold Steve Austin is an icon in the WWE, which stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. -
Hardcore Conservative
Trump has remarks in common with a lot of people. I think just picking a wrestling guy and saying he's an inspiration for the president is disingenuous. And I'm okay with him saying to fire "those sons of bitches" when referring to the NFL crybabies. -
Besides Trump and Austin, other people are not known for using the SOB remarks in a large audience. -
Hardcore Conservative
So a wrestler says it and that means Trump is copying him? I think you need to look beyond the words used and instead look at the message. The message is clear and expresses the frustration that many of us have with our government. -
Look beyond the words? Actually you need to touch on the issue. Since you cannot prove what other person is known for using the SOB remarks in a large audience, then it is no coincidence that Trump and Austin share similarities by their entertaining roles. -
Hardcore Conservative
You can't prove it was someone else, so his idea about SOBs has to come from Austin? That's what you're saying? -
Actually, that's not what I'm saying. History shows that Trump even learned how to wrestle in the WWE. You'll find this information on -
Hardcore Conservative
He's not a wrestler. It was a promotional gig. He was friends with Vince McMahon which is why he did it. -
I did not say he was a wrestler, but that he learned how to wrestle in order to play his character in the wrestling ring. -
Further information regarding the history of Trump in the WWE: "After Trump launched his presidential campaign with an escalator entrance straight out of the wrestling playbook, journalists began pointing to his two-decade WWE career to help explain his political appeal. WWE, in one telling, was where Trump first discovered populism. According to another theory, wrestling was where he learned to be a heel ― a villainous performer loved by just enough people to rise to the top, despite antics that make many people hate him." Travis Waldron -
Hardcore Conservative
"Two decade WWE career?" Wow. That's a stretch. His political appeal started long before he was involved in WrestleMania. I think pointing to wrestling as some king of kick-start to his career is trying to connect two dots that have no relation to each other. -
Trump has always liked wrestling. Not only has it been two decades from the WWF to the WWE era, Trump is also a wrestling fan. No other wrestler in history besides Austin has been known for the SOB remarks. How can you disprove that Stone Cold Steve Austin does not use the SOB remarks? As well as that Trump had nothing to do with Austin as an entertainer??? -
Hardcore Conservative
I like wrestling and I say sonofabitch all the time. Did I get the from him too? -
The difference here, you don't say it in a large audience like Trump and Austin. -
Hardcore Conservative
So it's only when you have a large audience that you copy someone? -
Keep in mind that Trump is a wrestling fan, and Austin is an icon in the WWE. -
Hardcore Conservative
You're making a HUGE leap, Jenny. One is a fan and the other is a icon, so they have to be copying each other? Wow. -
It is what it is. They both go hand in hand as entertainers. -
Hardcore Conservative
So going off the fact that two people are entertainers and they say the same thing, they're copying each other? -
What you are failing to see is that Austin is an icon in the WWE, while Trump admires wrestlers with talent. -
Hardcore Conservative
So what? One guy says sonofabitch and someone who says it must be copying him? Too thin. -
It is too thin for those who don't know much about Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is a one-of-a-kind for using the SOB remarks on air. It just happens that Trump knows talent when he sees it. -
The Po!nt With Chris Cillizza: "Why pro wrestling is the perfect metaphor for Donald Trump's presidency" Quote from the article: "The video Trump used for the tweet came from an appearance Trump made in 2007 on the pro wrestling juggernaut World Wrestling Entertainment. In the original footage, Trump clotheslines WWE CEO Vince McMahon, who is taunting "Stone Cold" Steve Austin." -
Sorry Charlie, but I go by evidence. -
Hardcore Conservative
You're making a connection where there isn't one. Citing a story someone wrote doesn't mean one guy is copying another because they performed together. That's not evidence. Keep trying. -
So now you're saying Chris Cillizza does not know what he's talking about? Quote: "Citing a story someone wrote doesn't mean one guy is copying another because they performed together." It's not my fault you are not aware of Austin's legacy. It is no coincidence either that Austin promotes his SOB memorabilia to all his fans, and Trump just happens to be a wrestling fan. lol -
Hardcore Conservative
"Fire those sons a bitches" does not tie to Steve Austin. -
Until you can prove what other famous person in history has been cheered for calling others SOB's, then it remains a tie-up. -
Hardcore Conservative
So it's truth until I unprove it, huh? -
Get back to me when you find a famous person, rather than: "I don't think so," "I don't agree," "I doubt it," "Too thin," "That's not true." -
Hardcore Conservative
"I don't think so." -
Very constructive answer. -
Hardcore Conservative
You're not convincing me. -
Nice non- answer. -
Hardcore Conservative
Right back at ya. -
Not exactly. I'm asking questions in this subject, so the question I asked you remains to be seen. lol -
Hardcore Conservative
It doesn't matter how many questions you've asked or not asked. Your assertions are not convincing. He said and then he said it so that means one is copying the other is ridiculous at best. -
Quote: "It doesn't matter how many questions you've asked or not asked." Actually it does matter because I'm looking to get answers to my questions. This is what AB is about in case you didn't know. You have not provided any constructive answers. Then you make Travis Waldron and Chris Cillizza some liars by their political expertise. -
Hardcore Conservative
Saying more words doesn't validate an argument. You still haven't convince me that your assertion that Trump got "sonsabitches" from Steve Austin. For all you know, he might have really enjoyed watching "Christmas Story" and liked when Dad Parker yelled at Bumpus' dogs. -
I am keeping it as short as possible with details. You can't disprove that Trump and Austin never worked with each other. You can't also disprove the fanaticism of Trump in the WWE. How do you define evidence? Simple question. -
Hardcore Conservative
YOU have to prove it. I don't have to disprove it. That's the way evidence works. -
That's not an answer, that's an excuse of saying you don't have to disprove it, because you can't! What I'm asking here, what is the definition of the word evidence in "your" dictionary? -
Hardcore Conservative
Evidence proves something, dear. You haven't proven anything other than offer your opinion on how you think two things are related. But instead of arguing definitions, try arguing your point. Again, you haven't convinced me you're right. -
Quote: "You haven't proven anything other than offer your opinion on how you think two things are related." Uhh, this is not my opinion. I did not make the YouTube video of Trump and Austin or write the articles about Trump being a WWE fanatic. -
Quote: "Evidence proves something, dear." It sure does. That's why I'm asking. You might have the definition of the word evidence all twisted. -
Hardcore Conservative
Thanks for the grammar lesson, Jenny. But I'm not sure you quite understand how evidence actually works, despite knowing the definition. -
Hardcore Conservative
A YouTube video and an article of someone else's opinion from an article you found is not fact. Still not convincing me. Keep trying though. -
Don't worry if you're not convinced. This is AB, so you're not the only ABer who could be reading these comments. Others might say that you are just going along with me to make it seem like a discussion. I would prefer an ABer who can lay some bricks with something constructive to say, other than your non-argumentative words of: "I don't think so," "I'm not convinced," "It's not evidence." -
Let's stay on track. evidence [ev-i-duh ns] 1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof. 2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever. 3. Law. data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects. verb (used with object), evidenced, evidencing. 4. to make evident or clear; show clearly; manifest: He evidenced his approval by promising his full support. -
By the definition of the word evidence, Austin famously known for the SOB remarks, the video and the articles, how is it not evident that Austin hasn't inspired his fans, when Austin's SOB memorabilia is popular among his fans? Also, how is not evident that Trump is a wrestling fan? -
Hardcore Conservative
Laying bricks? You're just repeating the same thing and trying to be condescending by pasting what you copied from the internet for simple word definitions. You've presented no evidence other than: Trump is a wrestling fan. Austin sells stuff that says son of a bitch. And, Trump said son of a bitch once. Keep trying. -
"Laying bricks? You're just repeating the same thing and trying to be condescending by pasting what you copied " Actually, a brick has been laid by Austin using the SOB remarks in front of his spectators. Another brick was laid when you had no idea that Trump has always been a wrestling fan. -
Quote: "You've presented no evidence other than: Trump is a wrestling fan. Austin sells stuff that says son of a bitch. And, Trump said son of a bitch once. Keep trying." The second example of evidence means: "2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign:" I must say you need to keep trying to see if you can change the definition of the word evidence. lol -
Hardcore Conservative
Nothing you've said establishes the correlation. Keep trying. -
It has been established that Trump worked with Austin. As usual, "2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign:" Keep trying to change the dictionary. -
Hardcore Conservative
They worked together? Wow! Thanks for the news flash. So that means that one had to copy the other, huh? (Keep trying) -
I don't know what news you watch, but it is a fact they both worked together during WrestleMania 23. How are you going to change that fact. Keep trying. -
Hardcore Conservative
Ok? They worked together once. So what? That's not evidence that Trump got anything from Austin. I worked with a guy once. He was just convicted on manslaughter. I guess that means he got it from me, huh? -
The guy you worked with is a serious issue. This is based on entertainment. They both worked together, they have the same denigrating behavior, they're both considered entertainers, and they have both said the SOB out loud, while Austin's supporters have even called the president Trump 3:16. You do know what Trump 3:16 means, right? -
Hardcore Conservative
What it means is irrelevant. You're still trying to compare apples to bowling balls. Just because they're both round doesn't mean that there's a causality relationship. You're saying now that because you see them both as being in entertainment, one must be taking talking points from the other. Nonsensical. When a wrestler, who is basically acting, calls other wrestlers sonsabitches (which is only for the fan's enjoyment) and the President of the United States says that NFL owners should fire the crybaby "sonsabitches" just because they did a gig 20 years ago doesn't mean that one is taking words from the other. Your argument is invalid. -
Hardcore Conservative
I'm not sure why you're trying to prove with your wrestling argument, but it still says nothing on how you think Trump, or any politician, is a savior. -
Quote: "Your argument is invalid." My argument holds more water. -
Quote: "You're still trying to compare apples to bowling balls. Just because they're both round doesn't mean that there's a causality relationship." The causality relationship started when Austin was gaining more popularity by his SOB remarks. This was during the same era when Trump participated in the WWE as a wrestler. -
Quote: "I'm not sure why you're trying to prove with your wrestling argument," Because the second example of the word is evidence is clear: "2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign:" There is nothing wrong with Trump or Austin saying the SOB out loud. That's their way of entertaining their supporters, and that's also another way to gain more publicity, whether it be positive or negative. As for Trump being a savior, only time will tell if he can Make America Great Again by his promises. -
Hardcore Conservative
Jenny, you're just repeating yourself. Your argument holds no water with Austin and Trump. And you've yet to explain how you think Trump, or any politician, would be a savior. -
My argument holds more water, because it is plain and clear. I'm not a wrestling fan, but by the comparison and by Austin's fanatics, they gave the president the title of Trump 3:16, which means, believe in the president to Make America Great Again. Unless you think America is already great and that Trump's slogan is a lie. -
Hardcore Conservative
So now because wrestling fans like them both, they're copying off each other? And no, it's not plain and clear. And yes, Trump is making America great again after the last administration tried to wreck it. -
Don't look at me. Tell it to the Austin fans. Speaking of a savior, somebody's gotta rescue America from the last administration. The word savior or however you want to call it is also based on a deliverer. -
Hardcore Conservative
In your initial comment, you're comparing Trump voters to those worshipping a deity. Blind obedience that I don't think is there. I've seen no evidence that people are blindly following Trump, or again, any politician. Even many Obama supporters disagreed with some policies. Sure you have fringe folks, as always, but that such a small number as to make it irrelevant. -
Quote: "I've seen no evidence that people are blindly following Trump, or again, any politician." The evidence is supported by the loyal Trump supporters: These people don't have anything to hide. That's what freedom of speech is all about. -
Hardcore Conservative
Wow. So you have a couple of goofballs who are trying to get on TV and that's your evidence? Good for you, Jenny. I'd stick with that. -
I couldn't judge those ladies. They are free to say what they want. -
Hardcore Conservative
Yes they are free to say what they want. That doesn't mean any politician is a savior. Which is my original point. -
If you notice my question, I didn't capitalized the "s" for savior. There is only one Savior of the world in Christian beliefs. As for Trump, consider him a deliverer for the US. -
Hardcore Conservative
I also notice you said "the savior," not "a savior." And not everyone is Christian. -
Make no confusion here. I'm asking: "Is Donald Trump the savior of the US?" It would be senseless to ask: "Is Donald Trump a savior?" Then puzzled ABers would ask, a savior of what? Asking is Donald Trump "the savior" of the US means if Trump is actually the deliverer of the US. Oh, Christians know who the actual Savior is. Anybody else who calls Trump the deliverer, the chosen one, God, etc, then that's their problem. -
Hardcore Conservative
Make no mistake....the people are the ones who will "deliver" the US out of the mess it's in. Or continue to push is down. -
So Trump is not the deliverer who will Make America Great Again? -
Hardcore Conservative
He's an elected politician. He's not a savior or a deliverer. He's just a guy the people elected to do a job. Just like any other politician. -
He's just a guy? Lol, very funny! Trump has to deliver on the political promises he made to the people. -
Hardcore Conservative
Are you claiming now that he has some kind of meta-human abilities? And he's trying to live up to his promises. Congress is getting in the way. -
Officially, Trump is the president and the deliverer for the forgotten. -
Hardcore Conservative
Officially, Trump is the President. The deliverer/savior is your opinion. He made a campaign promise to "the forgotten" Americans, that's all. You're making it more than what it actually is. -
I can't be making more than what it actually is. since it's not my opinion or anybody else's opinion to say Trump will deliver his promises. That's up to the president to deliver. -
Hardcore Conservative
And that makes him a savior who gets his speeches from the WWF. Awesome. -
Trump will either rescue the US by his promises or he won't. -
Hardcore Conservative
He can't do it alone. Congress has to act also. Something they seem unwilling to do. Both sides have lost the ability to compromise. -
Then Trump couldn't have said it better in his campaign: "Well, you need somebody, because politicians are all talk, no action. Nothing's gonna get done. They will not bring us? believe me? to the promised land. They will not." -
Hardcore Conservative
He's a good negotiator. If Congress isn't willing to give a little, we're still stuck. -
It's just a matter of time before Americans get sick and tired of winning. -
Hardcore Conservative
Why would we get tired of winning? We're tired of losing, that's why Trump was elected. People voted for the guy who said "America first." -
Why would we get tired of winning? Because Trump said we are going to say: "Mr. President, please, we don't want to win anymore. It's too much." By this, Americans cannot continue to be losers. This losing streak will come to an end sometime soon. -
Hardcore Conservative
He was being sarcastic with that comment, Jenny. -
Trump is unpredictable. We'll see what happens.
Say that to some of the Trump supporters who see it differently: -
we are dough 68
It is good to know "you're from a different world." -
we are dough 68
Nope, it doesn't get any better if the US continues to be a divided country with Democrats, Republicans, anti-Trump protestants and Trump supporters. -
we are dough 68
What are you smoking? lol -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
I had a feeling you were on something. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
You gave yourself away. I don't see you challenging anything that's being said throughout this subject. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's one way to avoid discussions. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are various other ways if you can figure them out. -
we are dough 68
That explains it all. -
I'm sure Pornhub is your best place to download videos. -
Good question, ask any lib, progressive and or democrap!
No, he is just another cog in the wheel leading us to destruction and the One World Order.
we are dough 68
we are dough 68, this conversation is for adults. You can go back to your original answer, so I can baby sit you. :D -
Thinker, very true. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, go back in your sandbox. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, I am a Dominatrix. and I won't hide it, because we all tend to satisfy the desires of the flesh. This is a believer's weakness to satisfy the flesh. It looks like you are aware of the trampling fetish. Boot licking is also involved and so many other things as well in the Femdom world. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, I don't get turned on by objects. If you like that kind of stuff, then I couldn't judge you. We're all weird in some way. In case you didn't know, Thinker likes to wear clothes of the opposite sex. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
we are dough 68, some Christian, huh? lol -
we are dough 68
we are dough 68, you said I was perfect to you. Part of your comments: "You are perfect to me, my smart, funny, interesting friend." Here is the AB link were you said that: -
Lol, once again, you just got owned. -
*Facepalm* -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
To: Thinker, Obviously you little gray matter isn't working very much! Use your eyes and look around - people are smiling!
No, but some things are improving while others are worse.
This must be an old question. Yes if you consider unemployment as a factor. African American unemployment is the LOWEST in History. Hispanics rate is near a record.I imagine if we enforced our borders like ALL the Democrats voted yes to and did it as promised in 2009,then the rate of unemployment of US citizens would be 2% Imagine that.
not sure, only time will tell
No. Rather a bitter pill for the sick body politic drawing out the ugly infection.. Mind you, like too much chemotherapy could kill you.
I certainly hope so. Barack Obama damaged the USA, and Donald Trump has a big task to repair such extensive damage.
Ahh, you do got something in that empty-head.
He didn't drain the swamp last time. I hope he does better this time ? Lets be honest hes only another politican. It is time the USA or the entire western world had a super politican that did something for the good people of the world. If the USA had a proper staunch president that ridded the country of scumbags, the scumbags in my country would cease to exist also.
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