She might get her tongue all tangled up up.
Ew, the things nightmares consist of. xD -
Rick Myres
Lol in about 50 minutes I will lay down and try to sleep. It will be 5pm here. -
I'm not that old yet. :P -
Rick Myres
One young woman who texted on my phone wanted me send her my picture and I sent her one from 15 years ago she texted back and said gosh your old. Lol I never told her my age lol. -
HA! That's some funny shit! xD -
Rick Myres
Actually I like going to sleep about 5pm and wake up at 1am. That is 8 hours.
"See!! I told you we should have done away with the electoral college first!!"
No doubt! -
Archie Bunker
They will do anything they have to do to not give Trump a "win." Sad, really. Sad that this is where politics have brought us. You know, I never liked Obama as our President. Seemed to be a charismatic guy, an eloquent speaker and seemed to be kind of a nice guy (not from personal experience, obviously). Sure, I thought his policies were stupid and I wanted to see alot of his crap go away, but I never wanted the President to fail. If the President fails, the country fails. These folks now, they will cut off their noses to spite their faces. At our peril.
That she just cant work with Bush?
no idea
Oh come on, Pearl, surely you have SOME form of imagination. No?
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