It's easy to know if this certain user has returned. Look in your email feedback. If this user has answered any of your questions, liked any of your questions/answers or commented on one of your answers recently, you can tell the user is back. Besides that, old questions have always been bumped on the questions list. All you have to do is look at the last answers given on a question. You will see which active users are answering the old questions.
Shadow Of The Mind
Hint: They are on this weeks leader board -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I already knew who you are referring to before I answered your question. I just checked the user's profile. The user does not have any new questions or answers. If the Answerbag administration wants to move this user to first place on the Answerbag Leaderboard, then good, cause I can finally stop asking questions and not spend so much time as I do on Answerbag. -
Shadow Of The Mind
There is no harm in you asking questions but if you spend a lot of time on Answerbag I’m sure you can take a holiday break for Christmas. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The user went back down on the Answerbag Leaderboard. Some of the last answers given by this user were on 9/25/2023. I believe the user is no longer active. Anyways, composing questions does take a lot of thought. And that's because I like to make sure I don't ask duplicate questions, but questions that have never been asked before. If we can ask good questions, it makes Answerbag a better place. -
Shadow Of The Mind
You are right it takes a lot of thought to compose questions. When I think of a question to ask, it takes me a while to get the right word to form a question. I think Answerbag users make the website more interesting when we compose questions and also to share thoughts, feelings, experiences and opinions in our answers. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Exactly, good questions must be well-thought of. A good questioner knows that it's all in the preparation. -
Shadow Of The Mind
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