Stephen Hawking. His AB name is ...(wait for it) ... "Beaker95".
Linda Joy
Lol! Actually I think he's smarter than he projects himself to be! -
He's dead he's not . commenting. -
Linda Joy
He's alive and well!
Since no one has spoken to everyone on AB, there is no possibility they can answer objectively. I highly doubt you and me are making the top 1% in that grade either. But we probably are in that top 1% of those who have fun on here.
i think we all are
Definitely "Ice Man". And he's the sexiest, too.
I think the question means who are the biggest egotists playing in a very small pond. There are some people answering questions who shouldnt even even be giving walking directions let alone answers on life or medical issues.
Lilo Avli
Linda Joy
I think you have problems thinking. You also need to learn tact, manners, kindness and basic social skills. Just because you're hiding behind a screen doesn't mean it's acceptable for you to be verbally ugly and abusive.
Jenny Rizzo.
Linda Joy
She thinks so, too! -
we are dough 68
Ouch !
Hmm! Still looking! Won't take me much more that a decade!
I see him every time I look in the mirror.
we are dough 68
Michael Jackson ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Archie -
we are dough 68
Bunker ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Aww jeeezzzz.... -
we are dough 68
Never heard of him. Is he on reality TV ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Used to be. Show was about some racist prick who abused his wife and daughter, who happened to have a hippie boyfriend. Every once in a while, the neighbor, some black racist prick, would come over and they'd be racist pricks together. It was like a better version of the Kardashians. Good family entertainment. -
we are dough 68
Ah, yes. Those were the good, old days ! -
Hardcore Conservative
Those were the days.
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