I am hoping that it will be, I think we have all suffered enough. All we can do is get vaccinated and take care . I wish you a happy new year.😌
Happy New Year and Thanks for sharing :)
we can only hope and maybe pray..but im sure billions have prayed and nothing was answered, only got worse
Thanks for sharing your comment, Pamela
Let's hope so! Happy 2022 to everybody on AB.
Thanks for your comment
Maybe. After we flip the House and the Senate.
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Definitely! I'm moving to a newly remodeled apartment, I'm cancer free, chemo's done, they are narrowing down the right dosage on my heart meds, and I'm getting a $51 monthly raise in my SSDI! Woo hoo!
Thanks for sharing your comment :) -
Great news Linda -
Professor Yaffle
I'm pleased to hear things are looking up for you. -
Linda Joy
Sometimes you gotta look hard to see the good in your life. Sometimes you are shown a contrast to help you see. Happy New Year, y'all! -
Thats great news for you Linda ..happy new year
Let's hope so!
Thanks, Creamcrackered :-) ~Happy New Year 2022~ -
Happy New Year to you DWW, got an hour left here before the fireworks, can't wait to see the back of it.
I doubt it. 2022 is predicted to get even worse with all the variants developing and the rumors of war ready to be unleashed. 🚀
Charin Cross
yeah it' pretty scary on the international front. because Biden is so weak, terrorist organizations are emboldened. The DEA just busted about a 1M pills of fentanyl that came across our southern border. I don't want to see WWIII break out with Biden's spineless, ineffectual saggy a$$ in office. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's the problem. Biden is not cutting it. -
I hope so Happy New Year ~2022~ -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Happy 2022 New Year to you too Wolfie and Charin for stopping by. -
Thanks for sharing your comment :)
OMG I sure hope so!I can't take much more of this lockdown nonsense. I drove down a street that was rife with bustling businesses and restaurants 2 years ago and now it looks like Deadwood! I'm lucky to be in a position that the pandemic doesn't affect me much, but it breaks my heart when I see so many people's livelihoods just gone because of it.
Yes so true and thanks for sharing :)
No it will be worse. prepare for the worst hope for the best.
Yes the worst will come before it's all over with
I sure hope so! More Love and Harmony.
Same here with me, Happy New Year 2022 !!!
somewhat better
Thanks for sharing your comment
No. We moved into the Hotel California on January 6th - where "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."
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Unfortunately Biden isn't a scientist. He has, however the best human science that is available today. It isn't his fault the virus keeps changing. If Trump was still in charge he'd still be calling it a Democratic hoax.
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Nobody knows what the future has in store. Once you survive this entire year you will know the answer to your question when looking back on 2022 and when the year ends
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