About the same in every way I guess.
kind of worse in sonne ways since i cant find a job
Much worse. I now live far below the poverty level, I had to quit work because I had a stroke making me more emotional. I do thank the Lord God in my life. I spend much time at a Senior Community Center. My profession quit with my stroke. I am now retired at 80 years old although I wanted to work for at least two more years. Up until my stroke I had missed 2 1/2 days work in 8 years.
Linda Joy
Poverty level in the US is a little over 1100 a month and you don't have to pay rent. And if you are below poverty level you qualify for social programs. You're a veteran so you have no medical bills. I live on less than 1000 a month and I live just fine. We are very blessed in this country to have the social programs we do! Then again, I don't know what bills you have.
Better financially, physically. But emotionally I'm worse. I got hired as an electrical engineer with a very decent salary. Lost 53 lbs in 5 years too. That's about it. Still lonely and empty
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