Of who?
Linda Joy
I apologize if my question was too difficult for you to understand. Perhaps you should just go on to the next one. -
Do you practice at being rude, or just a natural? As to my reply -- I am willing to follow those that show competent leadership. I will not follow any off a cliff, just because they are at the front of the line.
probably neither
No you can't be both, therefore I see a follower.
A born leader, though time & poverty has taken its toll.
I follow Jesus and try to lead others to Him.
Neither. I am a "go getter"
I'm both. When I know what I'm doing, I lead. When someone else know better than me (or signs my paycheck lol), then I let them lead.
Mostly I follow. No stress.
A Leader. How do I know this, for I just took a class in communication and we had to present a presentation in groups, I immediately said" I want to be the leader" and was end of story
I am a leader who knows how to follow when called for. I have no problem in that respect.
If he has a tight butt, I like to follow. If he has a flabby butt, I prefer to lead !!
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