At first I thought he was just one of the hard luck, "entitled" ones who are too lazy to get a job. Now I think he's a complete whack job, after reading about his behavior in the courtroom, and how the parents tried to help him. I feel sorry for his parents, because he's got weapons and I don't think this is going to end well. I expect we'll be reading about him shooting his parents and him expecting to have the house all to himself.
Linda Joy
The part about the weapons wasn't in the first article I read. But I did see it in the link I posted. That may be why the parents went to court to have him evicted just in case something did happen later. I don't think it will be an issue. One third of Americans are armedand most never shoot anyone. The problem is not access to weapons. The murder rate in New York City is Comperable to London. If ppl want to murder they'll find a tool. -
Ice man
" I don't think it will be an issue.", really ? That's wishful thinking and I think you missed the point. We're not talking about 1/3rd of all Americans, we are talking about one very disturbed individual with weapons. One who's parents are clearly afraid of him & I suspect they have good reason. -
Linda Joy
Really. Because of the way the parents went about it. He may be frustrated, disturbed, angry and have entitlement issues, but he's not stupid. He has his son as a reason to stay alive and out of prison. How long of hearing nothing before you admit I'm right? ;-) -
Ice man
"Hearing nothing"? The link you provided wouldn't even let me access the story. I found another one that seemed to offer more info than your's . But to be fair, I've spent the day outside, welding and working on my tractor, away from any news or updates. Then I showered and attended a Legion meeting, and I've just got home ... so if I'm wrong ... You'll have to forgive me and I'll treat you to something special next winter. -
Linda Joy
You so sweet! I haven't followed it either, really. I coughed in my sleep and I think I irritated my rib. I broke it back in 2000. It's never bothered me after the initial healing. Till now. It hurts every time I get up! But not nearly as bad as when it was broke! I nearly passed out from that middle of the night cough! I'm crocheting a gift for a friend though so I guess I'm doing my own jetpacking, in a sense. Hahaha I'm very thankful for the work you do serving veterans! I wish I could do more! Maybe when I get my truck! -
Linda Joy
Oh, by the way, I think your tractor's sexy! What's wrong with it? You talking farming tractor or tractor that pulls the trailer you haul for a living? -
Ice man
It's a 31 year old, little 20 horse tractor that I put a big snowblower on for the winter. In the spring all that comes off and I put a mowing deck on it for the summer. I also pull a trailer which vacuums up all the grass clippings. A 10 ft. long, 6 inch flexible hose attaches between the mower and the vacuum. Last fall the old engine on the vacuum blew up. This past winter I bought a brand new motor for it, installation of the motor and reassembly of the system is next weeks project. This past week has been chasing down & replacement of a series of worn steering parts and general maintenance of the tractor itself. I also decided to change the way the trailer hooks up to the tractor because the trailer turned too sharp too quick when backing up. At a farm auction, last summer, I bought a draw bar that I figured was too big for my 3 point hitch, but with some ingenuity ... I could make it work. So after a lot of measuring and head scratching (this week), the cutting, grinding and welding took place. It all looks good and should take care of my problem, I'll know for sure next week, when I hook up to the trailer. Then sometime later on, I'm going to give the snowblower a major overhaul, because fixing things at -30 degrees sucks big time. -
we are dough 68
Ice man
Sometimes I don't even need to go fishin'. I just need to hold out the frypan and you just jump in, all by yourself ! -
we are dough 68
Linda Joy
Smart ice man! -
Ice man
: ) -
we are dough 68
i saw that, i dont blame them for doing that
guess they had no other choice
Ice man
Be careful where you shit, you might have to sleep there before it get's cleaned up. : ) -
Linda Joy
Lol ow! I'm going to rest. Thank you both for your humor. I appreciate you both!
He is a dangerous person who is a few bricks short of a full load. He should be ordered to undergo a full mental evaluation. I have a feeling he would end up in a mental hospital and finally get some help.
Linda Joy
I'm hoping he can get some help as well. I'm sure he's distraught But he must know he has to get a verifiable job and a stable residence before he can hope to get custody and I'd advocate for the child first. Or a shared custody if he's a fit father. But I don't know that much about it but maybe the attention brought to his case can help him get a good job.
My judgement includes lazy bum!
Not much since somehow he got a publicity agent to pay the media to show this garbage.He also had a suit on.
Linda Joy
I haven't heard anything about a publicity agent.
We've fallen a long way from the "Greatest Generation." This moron is an example we can point to when we say that some people suck at life and are using up oxygen better saved for normal folks.
we are dough 68
Hardcore Conservative
Figures -
Boola Boo
His cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.
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