Justin Bieber CD.
Linda Joy
No, guess again! -
we are dough 68
Miley Cyrus concert tickets.
Linda Joy
No, guess again!
And the answer is... Chocolate milk!
I was going to guess toys.. but the answer was revieled.
Linda Joy
Old question. And these survey answers are so obscure the only one who usually gets them is Lobotomy Club. He's smart! So eventually I reveal the answer for those who participated. Many people don't read other answers and continue posting guesses though.
cell phone?
Willy D Billiams
Oh I didnt see the answer before I commented. Chocolate milk, really? -
Linda Joy
That's what I said! Who needs an excuse anyway?
Linda Joy
Chocolate milk!
Electric train set.
Linda Joy
Chocolate milk! My sons father bought our son a race car track when he was 3 or so ! Lol have you ever done this? -
I was given an electric train for Christmas in 1946. My dad played with it some. I wish I still had it because today it would be quite valuable. I lost it in hurricane Beulah in 1967.
Birth control. Fool me once...
Linda Joy
LOL good one!!
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