I agree that no one is perfect. But, I do disagree with the premise that pencils have erasers only because no one is perfect. If everyone was perfect, maybe pencils would still have erasers so we could waste less paper on temporary messages. If pencils had no erasers, maybe whoever invented the pencil was too flawed to realize the potential of the eraser.
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I agree no one is perfect, but I'd rather use a text editor.
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I disagree, cause separate erasers are of better quality. They allow disposal of an eraser, giving pencils without erasers to be independent.
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I agee with you DWW. However you could look at a pencil with an eraser as a portable self correcting word processor aka a pencil with an eraser.
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False. Pencils don't have erasers because NO ONE is perfect. Pencils have erasers because pencil-users are prone to making mistakes when writing and expected and permitted to do so. After all: IF pencils had erasers because no one is perfect, then wouldn't ALL pencils have erasers (they don't)? Similarly: wouldn't all pens also have erasers?
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Agree. After all, if people were perfect, no one would have thought of attaching erasers to pencils. There would have been no need for them.
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Yes, but most people write in ink. when you make a mistake in most documents now, you have to put a line through the mistake, correct it and then write the date, time and your initials. for the sake of transparency ya know.
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yes so true but many sure think they are perfect "_"
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