any kind you want
Any bean coffee, bar McDonalds, will be fine. McDonalds is instant coffee trying to pose as real coffee.
Linda Joy
Au contraire my often wrong friend! "So, WHY Is McDonald's Coffee so Good? Normally, McDonald's is associated with low quality, cheap merchandise. The title "Mc" is sometimes applied to other things such as "McMansions" to denote poor construction and lack of originality. So how is it that McDonald's coffee is outperforming its specialty competitors? Here are a few possible reasons: McDonald's Coffee is Fresh McDonald's locations and franchises brew fresh coffee every 30 minutes. You'll never get coffee that's been sitting out for hours or getting stale. McDonald's Coffee is Gourmet Surprisingly, McDonald's coffee is gourmet. Gavi?a is the coffee supplier for McDonald's and they use a blend of arabica coffee beans grown in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. McDonald's Coffee is Medium Roast McDonald's uses a medium roasted blend rather than dark roasted coffee. The lighter roast brings out the coffee's nutty, chocolaty undertones without causing excessive bitterness or a burnt flavor." You've probably never even tried it! -
Gevalia? Really? I can't stand Gevalia, yet I love Mickey D's coffee. Go figure lol
I recommend "Nescafe" "Nescafe" is the world's first instant coffee brand, which has a unique flavor of coffee and a long history and heritage.Over the past 78 years, nestle coffee has developed from a can of coffee into a comprehensive product category and system.Nestle coffee, which is sold in more than 180 countries, is leading the trend in coffee beverage categories.
I wouldn't recommend it. Better not to be addicted. "Coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate, and other side effects. Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, and irregular heartbeats." Just to name a few. Here is the complete list:
Archie Bunker
Coffee, in moderation, is actually beneficial. My advice, stick to decaf (like I do). Johns Hopkins. National Institute of Science. Coffee isn't all bad.
Black Rife Coffee Co. - JD. Nectar of the Gods. Black. One sugar.
Hawaiian Kona is the best if you get the real McCoy, and not some nasty blend. It is expensive. Colombian Supremo is a second choice okay coffee that is reasonably priced. Over the past 10+ years, I've tried over fifteen kinds, and I never like any of the other stuff.
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