Same reason as you did.
we are dough
Which was...? -
Bootsiebaby -
we are dough
Because you're trying to evade the CIA agents who are closing in on you.
we are dough
Oh, my dearest Iceman. It is so uplifting to have an intelligent conversation with someone as handsome and smart as you. Thank you for listening to me and for remembering my situation. Love you.....
Whenever I had a new pair of boots (usually for my birthday) I used to extend my profile name to "Bootsiebaby has new BOOTS" and leave it like that for a few days before reverting to just Bootsiebaby. I capitalised the word "BOOTS" on purpose as a parody of some of the older members who had "COAT" in their names. Lol:)
we are dough
As insightful and thorough as usual. Thank you, my bootiful friend..... -
I thought you said you don't converse with Bootsiebaby because you said she's a bitch. Just to refresh your memory, look at this: -
we are dough
I only exist in the mind of errant trolls...... -
@Murgatroyd: Thank you for that link. I will make a note of it for when I prepare my reports as soon as we have a way of contacting the site's admin. -
That site is no longer active. It is for sale. -
we are dough
I had an active garage sale once. Someone stole my lawn hoover.....
I don't change my profile names, I just have multiple profiles.
we are dough
Only a woman could multi-profile...... -
Wrong again, simonjhollands. All the members I knew on the original AB who had multiple accounts were male. I know three of them in real life and between the three of them they had about 50 accounts. Another guy on the old site who I never met in real life had about 60 accounts. On the other hand, very few women had more than one account, and those of us who did have two accounts had the second account for a practical, sensible reason, either to avoid trolls like you, or else (in my case) to message members who blocked me in my first account. However, in the last 18 months of the old site's existence they installed an "unblock" feature, thus rendering my second account redundant. Just for the record, my other account was called Bossyboots, the avatar was another pair of platform boots and the profile said in it "You know who I am". In other words, my second account was not meant to hide from anybody so I made it obvious it was me. But it is most definitely males who have several accounts on the go at the same time. In fact, Murgatroyd is the only one on this new version of AB who I know has multiple accounts, and I only know because he has said so. If you think you are so clever, you give me at least a dozen examples of women who have multiple accounts on here (or indeed on any other site). -
we are dough
My spots need squeezing.....
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