that kid is going to get picked on
Linda Joy
That's not the half of it, her first name is Marijuana! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Dr. Marijuana Pepsi Sawyer? -
Linda Joy
Do you know a different one? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
A different Marijuana Pepsi? -No LOL
Hahahahahaha :-D
That's a sweet name but it's copyright, and the parents will have to change it soon.
Linda Joy
As usual, you're wrong again! She's grown. -
Army Veteran
Copyright infringement only applies to commercial issues. A person could make all of the Mickey Mouse T-shirts they want and never get into any hot water unless they tried to sell them.
Fred Koch did that to himself, having his name changed to Coke-Is-It.
Linda Joy
I'm surprised he got away with it. -
He apparently settled by agreeing to no commercial use. -
Linda Joy
I saw that.
Someone a decade or so ago named their kid Wrigley Fields. But Dr. Sawyer is a little older than me. I heard a story (not sure if true) that her mother wanted to name her after the two substances that led to her conception, and her father protested, but her mother proceeded with the name anyway.
I would rather have the name Dr Pepper then I could be a fake doctor like Doogie Howser.
Linda Joy
Did you know its not illegal to call yourself a doctor when you are not one? You just can't practice medicine without a license. But then again neither can a PhD, who is a legitimate doctor, just not a medical one!! -
Rick Myres
I am too old to care if it is illegal or not. I can call myself a mechanic if I want to but it does not make me one. Lol -
Linda Joy
Well, I was trained as a mechanic, but they're putting things on cars I've never seen before! lol! -
Rick Myres
Lol here is your thumbs up. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Can you call yourself a judge when you are not one? If not, then what about the famous 1980's actor Judge Reinhold?
It's kinda cute. I knew a girl who's name was Trafalgar. I thought that was cool.
Linda Joy
That name is from a book! Trafalgar True! I had to look it up to remember the name of the series. I got that series for my son 35- 40 years ago!
People who give their children exotic names are doing an injustice to the kid. It used to be considered chic when a celebrity did it (Frank Zappa named his kid "Dweezil"), but for the average kid, it's a virtual death sentence. He'll have a target on his back that he'll never get rid of, and everyone will be aiming for it. He'll be ridiculed and grow up with no self-esteem.
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