Brain washing on the BS cycle. The holocaust did occur, millions of jews were slaughtered and massacred. However they only represent a fraction of the holocaust of the African American slave trade, it is unclear of the actual death toll of those times but it is much higher than that of the jewish holocaust, yet I don't here much about anyone denying it happened, they just don't talk about it. It's sad.
Hardcore Conservative
The six million Jews that Hitler killed is a comparatively small number when compared to folks like Mao Zedong, who killed millions of people. Estimates range from 49 to 78 million. Add in Stalin's 23 million people, we get to see the joys of communism. Slavery, which is still practiced in parts of Africa, Middle East and Asia, though technically illegal, is a stain on all of humanity. Even though it usually only gets put on the US, that's far from being historically accurate. Every civilization since the beginning of time has practiced slavery, even African countries where slaves were captured. And some studies suggest that 90% of those slaves captured in Africa were imported to South America, not the US. -
Sorry, but comparative statistics do not somehow mitigate the Holocaust or US slavery, no matter how much you try to use them to that effect. As a historian, I am well aware of the long history of slavery in the world. That it existed thousands of years ago and in most places on earth doesn't somehow excuse its uniquely negative effects in the United States. For one thing, most world slavery wasn't race-based as it was here. For another, manumission rates tended to be high in various cultures (ancient Rome, for example) and former owners were legally responsible for seeing to it that former slaves were given a good start in their free lives and did not become public charges. I suggest you study the subject rather more closely than you seem to have done.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone could actually "think" that the Holocaust never happened. Some people say that they do because it suits their anti-Semitic agenda.
they're actually in denial
Brain damage.
Its a conspiracy theory similar to man never landing on the moon. I even heard people go as far to say nuclear weapons never existed and the testing footage was edited or the giant fire ball was the sun.
I don't know about those with a hidden anti Zionist agenda, but the average Jo who isn't convinced the Holocaust ever happened probably has several valid reasons: - They didn't personally witness it and don't know anybody who did. - They question facts provided by a propaganda fuelled government even though some facts must be true. Remember, this happened over 60 years ago. Were you there? Are you easily duped? - They see mass murder as pointless and therefore inconceivable - They're not racist and therefore can't understand why entire governments could be - They realise there's a good argument to be had. - They're skeptics by nature - You've got to admit, it's Terminator judgment day, but in the past
it did happen..people should look at the old news reels and doccos and see for them selves how the people suffered badly..they were walking skeletons ..aww the poor things ..
They're usually anti-Semites. Their ignorance of and prejudice against Jews leads them to try to accuse Jews of being liars. However, the documentary evidence of the Holocaust is vast; the Nazis themselves documented their actions. Only extremely unintelligent and deeply bigoted people can ignore that simple fact.
Ignorance and/or hatred of Jewish people can be the only explanations.
To understand the facts about the Holocaust, a little historical knowledge is necessary. It's easy to believe what someone tells you if you have nothing to compare it to. The number "6,000,000" as it pertains to the Holocaust is nothing more than a default number to exaggerate claims that never happened. And "extermination" as it pertains to the Holocaust is likewise "made-up". The one thing that can be proven about the "Holocaust" is that the "6,000,000" number and the concept of Jewish "extermination" go back decades before even WW1 was fought. An online search through newspaper archives will reveal that since around 1900, Zionist media campaigns flooded the media to raise money and support - supposedly to "help the Jews in Eastern Europe and Russia that were being persecuted and threatened with extermination". And always the number of Jews that were suffering was exactly "6,000,000." By 1933, the claims had been made so many times that they were accepted as true. When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, less than 2 months later (March 24), these same Zionists declared war on Germany (WHY? What did Hitler do to them in such a short amount of time?). Then, 4 months after that, they first accused Hitler of exterminating Jews. After a steady diet of "6,000,000 Jews being threatened with extermination" being spoon-fed to them, how long did it take people to believe it was all true? They had already been convinced of it - all they needed was a name and a face to attach it to. ¶ To keep the record straight, the "6,000,000" campaign wasn't started with Hitler in mind - no one knew who he was at the time. The campaign was to fund political Zionism (not "Biblical" Zionism - there is a difference, and this is something people should learn). The agenda of political Zionism was never about "creating a homeland for the Jews" in Palestine (another one of their lies) - it was about establishing a political state in Palestine. The "homeland for the Jews" was nothing but a sales pitch. It was easier to get public support (and the money that comes with it) if they appealed to people's sympathy rather than being truthful in saying it was for a political state - no one liked the Jews. The secret was exploiting the emotional response. ¶ As to the "Holocaust" itself, one thing that plays a major role in what happened to the Jews (and others) but is never mentioned, is disease epidemics. Typhus had been a serious problem in Poland during WW1. When conditions of overcrowding and unsanitary conditions returned in WW2, so did typhus - and other disease epidemics. But the problem wasn't just in the camps - it spread to the communities around the camps as well. One thing that was effective in fighting the typhus epidemic was cyanide - which was the main component of Zyklon B. The logical question to ask at this point is, assuming the gas chambers really existed, why did the Germans waste so much Zyklon B to kill Jews when they didn't have enough to fight the epidemics? If this is accurate, then it means that the Nazis sacrificed their own families and their communities just to kill Jews who would have died from typhus anyway. Death from cyanide leaves unmistakable evidence - the body develops a cherry-red color due to the inability to use oxygen. There was no mention of this. ¶ Another point to make is, there was no mention of gas chambers until the Soviets liberated Auschwitz. It's hard to understand how the Soviets were so trustworthy when they were fighting on the side of the Allies, but immediately after the war they weren't to be trusted. They didn't allow the western Allies access to territory they controlled (like Poland) so there were never any investigations by the West. Western Allies took the word of the Soviets since both hated the Germans.
The Nazis kept excellent records verifying the Holocaust.
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