Yes on my pre-teenage days. But it is somehow awkward for me since I really don't like talking to them regards on the so much serious matters. But since I'm a parent now, I do it on different attack so my kids won't feel as awkward as I felt before. Generations nowadays are so different on my generation. The youth today needs to feel that you as a parent is also a friend that they can talk to about anything on any matter. Not like before, parents are authority.
no, rny parents never did that, learned it frorn friends
My mom just threw a college-level anatomy book on my bed and told me that my dad was too busy to answer questions. LOL
Linda Joy
lol. I guess she knew you could handle it!
Still waiting for "the talk" but I think I've figured it out for myself.
Linda Joy
Do you have children? -
Professor Yaffle
No, I figured out that part! -
Linda Joy
So you're saying you don't have children because you figured it out and didn't want any? -
Professor Yaffle
Possibly influenced by being born to a teenage mother, I figured out how not to have "an accident" when I was too young & immature to be a parent and I now consider myself too old (& immature) to be a parent.
My total sex education was from my dad...if you have sex with a man that you're not married to then God will send you to hell. From there it was trial & error. I never had children of my own so I never had "the talk" with MY kids. I did have a step daughter that her dad wouldn't talk to about it. I finally told her that if she heard anything that didn't make sense & she needed more reliable info to just ask & I'd tell her the truth. Even if she simply had any questions, I answer them honestly. I found with her that it was less confusing for everybody involved to let her ask the question that she understood & that made it easier for me to respond in a way that she understood. I guess that I did OK because she's now in her 30s & she & hubby have 6 wonderful kids!!!
Linda Joy
Sounds like a good idea. And as long as they wanted 6 kids that's great! -
I'm of the opinion that when you've reached the correct number, it's time to make other arrangements or be more careful.
Never happened in either case.
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