• Yes :o)
  • Simple answer, Yes. A virus can move between files on a computer, which ever drive they are on.
  • Alright, so let's say I scanned and deleted "Trojans" located in my system volume information, and deleted any other visible files that contained viruses from my computer...if you put yourself in my place, would you try and connect it to the good computer?
  • yep, they often do this by placing an autorun.inf file onto the hard disk which then executes a trojan horse also save on the drive and thus infecting the computer autorun.inf files are not all malicious as they are used legitimately on CDs and DVDs to launch software automatically when you insert a disk, however beware if one pops up on a USB key or external hard disk as unless you have placed it there yourself to open a certain program it is most likely a trojan horse.
  • Yes. Besides what 'thisisatributetothe...' mentioned, there are a variety of vectors (methods) that viruses can use to copy themselves from one drive to another, especially considering that this was the first method used by viruses before email became prevalent.
  • Yes, autorun viruses are becoming more common. The new type of malware called badusb is what you should really be worried about. Look up badusb and you will see what Im talking about. It can't be fixed and theirs no patch.

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