I believe in gun control. I use both hands. I own a gun. I am male.
like the majority of females in UK, i have no gun, and have never been near one &_&
yes, lol one must have control of ones gun at all times! I don't own a gun but My parents own plenty! I am female!
There's all sorts of rhetoric and faux-witticisms that people use when talking about gun control. So, in order to be unambiguous: I'm against ownership of guns. I don't own an gun, and I'm a male.
I believe in gun control. I have great control of my guns. I hit what I am at. I have a large gun collection. I am all male. :)
I am a chick. I believe in a certain type of gun control. I believe that automatic weapons should never be sold to the general public. I believe that if you want to own a gun, as a private citizen, you should be required to take classes and pass tests on how to handle, use, take care of, clean and store your weapon and ammo. I believe that anyone who attends these classes will be better prepared for whatever owning a weapon can bring. I believe that people have the right to own guns. I do not and probably will never own one though.
I also have great control of my guns, own several and I am female.
As a Canadian hunter and firearms owner, I know all about gun control. I support gun control inasmuch as I beleive every gun owner should be required take courses designed to teach safe handling, and have no prior criminal convictions. Criminals don't register their guns, but there's no point giving them a licence either. I am not for a national gun registry, or for any infringement on the rights of law-abiding citizens to own arms. Unlike the US, we don't have a second amendment here, but I sure wish we did. (Heck, we don't even have a first amendment!) I do beleive to a small degree that fully-automatic firearms should be for police and military use only, but I'd love to be able to head out to the range with an AR... oh well! As far as handguns and semi-auto's go, those should be no more restricted than bolt, lever or pump-action rifles/shotguns... I beleive that many people who are anti-gun are scared by the media and ignorant about what a semi is... I sure don't consider my little semi .22 Lakefield (what Savage was manufactured and sold as up here in the 70's) as "scary" as my 45/70 lever gun. I fully support harsh mandatory sentences for gun crimes. Money wasted on a gun registry here in Canada could have incarcerated a lot of people for a long time, or put more cops on the street... now THOSE are crime-fighting measures, not having a duck hunter in a rural community register his old Ithaca. I don't beleive in gun-free zones, since criminals apparently can't read, and keep shooting up schools and malls. The first guy who decides to shoot up a non gun-free zone like a police station or military base, I may change my mind about gun-free zones. molon labe
I am a male and Yes you need to be in control any time you are armed. I sight with both hands on the gun at all times. The government does not need to take control of guns or a lot of criminals will have guns and honest people will not. It is working fine the way it is.
GUN CONTROL MEANS USING BOTH HANDS. As well as your brain of course. I own four firearms. I have one ShotGUN (Gun) and three Rifles. I am a Female.
Yes. No. Male.
Gun control is knowing how & when to use if you have to, we have about 5 guns in our house. 4 rifles and one revolver. I'm a female
We think every woman in the U.S should have this type of gun control. (Male, 8 of us)
*shrug* I believe in being responsible with guns, and not letting just any yahoo buy one anytime they want. I do not own one myself, but my bf has many. I am female.
no, i own two guns and i am male
I do believe in gun control. I do not own a gun and I am a male.
i believe in literacy and gun education... not gun "control" i dont believe in any kind of "control" yeah i do own a gun and I'm a male
Yes, every-one should know hoe to control a gun.
it's true .... guns don't kill people ... people kill people ... but guns make it a hell of a lot easier ... think about it ... hypothetically ... if no one had a gun .... would you need one yourself for defense? .... I know you'll say yes for reasons such as the attacker is stronger or has some other weapon like a knife or some blunt object .... yea in that instance it'd be an equalizer of even more than that .... but here's the thing .... these school shootings happen because of guns .... no one is going to kill a buncha people at once with a knife or a ball bat .... we all know that ....
I believe that responsible citizens can and should be armed. I collect guns, including so called evil scary "assault weapons." Male (and pro-feminist!)
1) Absolutely not 2) No 3) Female I am a staunch feminist and advocate for equal rights all-around. I believe that I should have the right to do what I want with my body, and use the force necessary to protect it.
I am a male. I believe guns should be registared and I own three guns of my own. I use them mostly for hunting and I keep them because I inherited them from my grandfather. I also have them for self defense.
No more gun laws there are far too many now that lack common sense. If I own guns and how many, is no one's business. Male
I am a man, and I believe in the 2nd amendment and the bill of rights. The term "shall not be infringed" means that the govt did not grant us this right, and it is not supposed to be allowed to take it away from us. Our society has become lax and permissive. If Uncle Sam could hand me a gun in Vietnam and tell me "get out there boy, and kill or die for your country" I don't think he should now tell me to give him my guns because he thinks it will make people feel safe. I never killed anybody before or after he sent me off to fight.
I believe in the right to bear arms. I do not own a gun. I'm female.
Of course not. This crap is at least as old as the Al Capone era. Laws after laws after more laws, and still the libtards fail to comprehend that the vast majority of gun crimes are done by....wait for it....criminals! And criminals don't obey laws. Gasp! That's right...they didn't obey the very first law leftist-losers passed, nor the hundred laws after that, nor will they obey the thousand more these retards are planning for the future. Gun control was not, is not, and never will be intended to disarm targets a very specific segment of the population. Guess who? No, I don't own a gun. I specialize in primitive weapons that 'tards can never take away, since I can moke them faster than they can confiscate them. I'm male, but more importantly I support the Constitution of the United States, without any commie-socialist equivocation.
yes need gun control.. more so today with more crazy drugged dudes about and my name says it all.. no guns in our not needed
Army Veteran
Put that on a sign and plant it at the end of your driveway. Then enjoy every little twig snap or dog barking as you try to sleep at night.
You should always be able to hit the bulls-eye eight out of ten times, and the thugboy ten outta ten times. No gun. Male.
I believe in background checks That one must get a gun license to own a gun. To make absolutely certain that any cases in one's residence are locked at all times. Escecially when there are children.
people need a mental check each year to own a gun.actually the whole house hold should have to prove each year, no mental person lives in the house of a gun owner.............i dont own a gun name says that im female..............{{{{OOPS silly site!!! crazy that it allows you to comment over and over again..i should not have to look to see if i had already commented
Linda Joy
Flag your duplicates so they will be deleted.
I am female and I believe firmly in gun control. I do not own a gun, but people in mu family do (including my 85-year-old mother), and I was taught how to shoot as a child and adolescent. As a historian, however, I can assure you that if the framers of the Constitution could observe our gun situation today, they would wonder why the hell we hadn't done something about the Second Amendment eons ago and consider us insane for not having taken any measures to amend or repeal it. They gave us the means to do so, after all. They didn't intend for the Constitution to be regarded as graven in stone.
Only Republicans need guns Democrats have sense enough to stay out of trouble. 😏
Army Veteran
...except with their student loans.
I believe in the 2nd amendment. I don't own a gun but I have license to own one. female.
I believe in gun control and I am a male.
It may just be the simplest concept on the planet and yet, most of you people couldn't wrap your melons around it if your life depended on it. Gun control ((( LAWS ))) affects ONLY those who obey laws. (I'll pause here for a moment so y'all can read that again.) Passing all the gun laws in the world...even taking the guns out of the hands of citizens will affect - ((( WHO )))? That's right - only those who follow the law. Those who DON'T follow the law couldn't care less. And once you take all of the guns away from the ones who follow the law, the only ones left with guns will be (you guessed it) the ones who ((( DON'T FOLLOW LAWS ))). Now all of you Liberals who are afraid of guns have something serious to worry about. The criminals WITH guns will be coming after you. And sadly, because of gun control laws that affect only responsible people, your neighbor who believes in the right to protect one's self is powerless to help you. By coincidence, you are the same people who believe in taking out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans and then dropping the responsibility for paying it back in someone else's lap. When are you ever going to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions?
Answering the questions in order: yes, no, yes
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