No. Nobody is going to change the second amendment.
I might want to but I sold my gun. -
Lilo Avli
For how much ? And to whom ? -
To help finance the purchase of a new gun -
we are dough 68
I'm going to look for a tree and attach some rope with a noose to it.
i would hope so
I hope not!
Nope. Trump should listen to everyone, but especially the ones who put him in office. Just because you have a bunch of high school kids protesting something, that doesn't mean you run out and make changes to a Constitutional right.
Who cares what students have to say ? What do they know about anything ? Too busy smoking dope and getting laid. I wish I was a student.
Ice man
I think they got a little testy when 17 of their schoolmates got shot down. -
Lilo Avli
If you give a donkey a pair of speedos, don't complain when he swims in your pool. -
Hardcore Conservative
Hahahahahahaha. Good one Lilo. But I think you're wrong on one point. They're not smoking dope, they're eating Tide Pods now. -
Ice man
Is the "eating Tide Pods" a real thing ? I heard it for the first time the other day .. and didn't know if it was a joke or for real. -
Hardcore Conservative
Ice, believe it or not, it is a real thing.
I certainly hope not! Statistics show tighter gun laws do not decrease crime or suicide rates they only disarm the law abiding public And make them easier targets for criminals and oppressive governments. These children should be better educated on the issue! They also need to be taught how to respect one another and not provoke their fellow students to want to Massacre them. They also need to provide better mental health care And counseling in schools. They should also be taught that far more people die from drinking and driving and texting and driving than ever was killed in a mass shooting. That's what they should be protesting if they want to actually be effective in preventing peer deaths.
Ice man
So by your reasoning .. mass shooting is okay, because more people die from texting & driving ? -
Hardcore Conservative
Why go right to "mass shooting is okay?" Who has ever said that mass shooting is okay? -
Ice man
Follow the train of thought .. "far more people die from drinking and driving and texting and driving than ever was killed in a mass shooting." -
Hardcore Conservative
Okay...... so how does that mean mass shooting is okay? -
Ice man
By the way it is written .. the simple logic is, that it's the lessor evil therefore it must be better.
No, the gun crazed NRA that even refuses to stop crazy people from getting guns are part of Trump's core support group. His support groups are now so small he cannot afford to lose any ofthem (regardless of how crazy they are) and he couldn't care less of what the general population of the country (including students) thinks. He's there to make a profit, not govern a country.
Hardcore Conservative
How is the "gun crazed NRA" trying to stop crazy people from not getting guns? -
You knot nothing of the NRA. You just repeat some liberal media fake news.
Yes, go for a round of golf.
Ice man
Yes, there is nothing more important to do than go golfing. -
we are dough 68
You're not wrong. For once.
It would be foolish to allow some indoctrinated children to influence national policy. There is a 2nd Amendment after all. It is terrible to advocate discarding the US Constitution. We need mature leaders, not silly children.
Why do people think change in gun laws is Trumps responsibility? Did they think it was that important 10 years ago when Obama was President? We have more than adequate gun laws but the real problem is we do not have people in place to enforce them. Actually we do but for whatever reason they simply choose not to enforce our laws to the letter of the law.
i would hope so
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