Nope. I'm not an American with insecurity issues.
Straw Man argument is illogical. -
I can no longer fight because of buldging disks in my neck, so if someone breaks in I'd have a much better chance with a gun. specially if there are two or the criminal\s has a gun them selves. Also i go mountain camping sometimes and I'd prefer to have a higher caliber for protection from bears and wildlife. -
Sandra Ursula
You insult us Americans with lies. Don't come here. You sound insecure, not me.
i dont, i hate guns
You don't understand them. -
Sandra Ursula
I love my guns. I grew up using them on my family farm.
For defense. And because I want one.
i dont, i hate guns
I heard you the first time. You still make no sense. -
Sandra Ursula
I love my guns.
A good gun is the beat means of self-defense. I am a 5'-5", 106 lbs. lady, and if some huge man attacks me, I can defend myself with a gun.
So I can kill people really easily.
The number one legitimate purpose of owning a gun, above and beyond all other legitimate purposes is self-defense and protection. The secondary purpose is to provide the comfort of knowing you can defend yourself, to the best of your abilities, regardless of your proficiency to do so.
To go hunting for nerds 🤓🤓. Not really. All people's lives are precious, even mine.
I don't own one, probably never will. I don't like them.
Sandra Ursula
I like them a lot. They're great for self-defense.
I own a lot of guns for different uses. Some are for protection and defense. Some are for hunting different game. Some are for target shooting. Some are for informal plinking. I grew up using guns. I was on a farm.
I inherited my grandfather's rifles. And his double barrel shotgun. Never was interested in buying ammo. Its just nice to keep them for him:)
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