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  • I would think that an inside out cowgirl would be repulsive to look at.
  • I am! It gets me in the right position for preferred depth and control. I'll even wear my cowgirl hat. Yee Haa
  • Nope, as a guy, I don't find it very pleasurable. It's somehow awkward and strangely disengaging. Plus, I typically find it a huge turn-on and sexual enhancement to be able to see the face of my partner during the act.
  • AH, could you please not post these in AnswerBag and submit them to AB4Adults only. I will move this one over but it would be better if they didn't show up over here. This is a family friendly site, supposedly.
  • Yes. I like it because, well, it involves sex.
  • yea i am....i like gives good room to rub...and depth...good stuff :)
  • I like it very much .. I can watch the movie at the same time
  • If I'm the "bull" and she's the "cowgirl", I'm game for any kind of rough-and-tumble rodeo. (But only if it's rough, killdrphil. If it's too soft, nothing's fun, no matter what it is! You know me. Wink! ).
  • Am I a fan of reverse cowgirl position? heh...Where's my boots? lol It makes me go buck nutty.
  • I don't like it as much as most other's a lot of work, it's uncomfortable, and it seems to kind of separate the both of you. I will do it now and then though for variety.
  • I am a fan of my woman at any angle. As a butt man I must say that the reverse cowgirl has something of a place in my favorite’s category.
  • Yee ha! ^^
  • We don't use it all that often, but when my wife jumps on backwards, that is usually one of the clear indicators that she is also interested in anal. Frankly, it gets me pretty hot when I watch her loosen up her ass with a lubed up dildo while I am in her pussy.
  • I enjoy it. It's a completely different sensation then other positions plus it's a good core and leg work out. I really don't do it if it's just hubby and I , however if we are entertaining a few of our couple friends I love to do it so I can show off my pussy plus it's gets my hubby extra hard to watch me ride a cock while stroking my clit.
  • It's one of our favourites. The position for her to stroke her clit (and tease my balls with her nails 😉). And the visual for me, watching her ass grind away. Also when she wants to lean forward it changes the angle and sensation for us both dramatically, and allows me to stimulate her ass hole which makes her cum SO hard! 😋
  • I would put that low on my list, but would do it if my partner wished. I prefer to look her in the face and enjoy her tits hanging in MY face. handier to suckle and lick nipples, while playing with her ass.

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