no. Spiders kill things that I actully hate, like centipedes. There is nothing more evil then a centapede, or a milapede. Nasty rotten creatures!
No, just misunderstood.
Yeah. And I'm guessing they feel the same about us.
Whatever you say sugar bear.
I am going to have to disagree with you on this one, I am partial to them especially the pink-toed tarantulas they are adorable. xD
Spiders are wonderful creatures. More noble than insects and beneficial to nature. They will bite you however, if you don't watch out.
Oh i hate spiders they creep me out ah they move so fast ... yuke!!!!
Detestable little creatures - make my skin crawl.
Every living insect has a life like us.. Mayybe babys and a boyfriend lol.. So i hate big spiders, But big or small I never kill them I throw them over the wall so they can carry on with there life without bugging me again!
Spiders are badass, but I just dont want to see them or have them ever crawl on me. I love that they kill flies (because I frickin HATE flies) and other nasty bugs. The ones that can zip across the ground freak me the hell out, most spiders kinda mosey along all chill but some can really book. I mean I have a higher top speed but they got me on acceleration, which is what counts if you're trying not to interact
Ooh yes! Creepy little things!
Disagree..spiders are pretty cool :)
I agree!!! i hate spiders, and i tend to scream when i see one!!! haha
no, just creepy(the 8 eyes I think)
Spiders don't bother me. Which bothers you more, spiders or scorpions?
No actually there very helpful creatures. if we didnt have them we would possible overpopulated with too many insects. spiders are the main reason the bug population is at a resonable height. I love spiders and i have never had a problem with them.
Sure do. And let's not forget the bugs they stalk. While we may think it's great that a spider kills flies, the flies probably don't agree. However, sometimes spiders are wonderful. For example, the cellar spider is known to hunt and kill the black widow. When he does that he is a good spider because he has killed a dangerous spider. Same thing anytime a BRS is killed.
No. Spiders are animals, it would be wrong to consider them good or evil. If spiders are evil, just try to imagine how evil we must appear to the animals :/
Spiders aren't evil. They are just trying to live their lives like every other creature. I find them quite fascinating. Have you ever watched one up close making a web.....amazing!
They have 8 legs like that evil beast that turnes you to i don` t know. I think so
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