• Pay fines, than request trial by mail, take good pictures to support you version, write you explanationon what happened, always be polite towards cop, avoid direct confrontation he is wrong, but i'm right. Submit all documents before trial date. If you lost, you can request trial in person. To increase you chances, ask court clerk to postpound your trial date, try do it few times. That what i did when got ticked for "non stoping at stop sign" and i won! Use this site for information and forms:
  • A yield sign and a stop sign are entirely different in color and shape. this is for a reason, so that drivers can instantly tell the difference. you said you thought it was a yield sign, not a stop sign? how could you possibly have made that mistake? How many times have you been through this intersection? you knew it was under construction and the traffic signals were not yet in place. Sounds like you just got caught.
  • If the stop sign was visible, why did you not stop? If you are confusing stop signs with yield signs perhaps you need to take a drivers exam again.
  • Any person can contest any ticket at any time. You can go to the magistrates office and have your day in court (about 5-10 minutes) They are kind, courtious and helpful. You don't need anything except your sweet ol self. My trip taught me that most people just want to drop the points so the insurance rates stay the same. It also taught me that they know this too. 90 % of the people with speeding tickets were given the chance to change the ticket to impeading traffic or something like it. This ticket had the same fine as the speeding but carried no points. A win-win You, no points, them Fine revenue.

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