As a Taurus female, I have had Sagittarian friends and family, but I have to work at establishing and maintaining relationships with them. Once we get past the fog, it seems to work fine, but it has never been much more than mutual respect. It could be that my moon is in Aries, but I have noticed that Aries people get along well with Sagittarians. Anyway, I personally do not know of any Taurus/Sagittarius Love relationships, but if you both want a relationship badly enough, you can always make it work.
I know three couples where the female is sagitarius and the male is a taurus and they have all been successful relationships..Other than that I am not well informed enough to give a reliable answer. I believe they are a good match.
How did they work out their differences? (See my answer).
Your sign is probably the least important thing when it comes to compatibility, since it is just pseudoscience BS. There's nothing to it. Just my opinion- good luck.
I think you are wrong about that.
I can't see that one working. A freedom-loving, independent, adventurous Sagittarius woman with a male chauvinist Bull who thinks her place is in the home? I don't think so.
If I were to speak for every man born late April to mid May, I would say that we are incompatible, since we don't tend to believe in that sort of nonsense. But if another such male wants to disagree, feel free, although it'd just prove the more important half of my point.
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