I don't understand this question. Evolution is the process through which genes change over generations of reproduction, with some traits leading to more reproduction and others leading to less, which determines which genetic information survives to subsequent generations, and how these edits compound over hundreds of generations to differentiate into new species. Whether you believe such a thing happens or not, it has been observed to occur, it makes perfect logical sense, and it has been the accepted model for species differentiation and development for over a hundred years in the scientific community. A few religious folks here vehemently deny that it occurs, because they mistakenly believe that the Bible contradicts this information. Since the information is based off of sound logic and direct observation, assuming that the Bible conflicts with that information is to assume that the Bible is wrong, but, thankfully, reading comprehension is not the religious zealot's strongest suit, and there is no such passage in the Bible, only belligerent ignorance that insists on spreading itself into the masses.
Cry me a River
I believe God is the author of the human being as he is in all all things that procreate. Believe in genes if you want to, but that is just more science falsely called. -
Cry me a River
The only thing a human baby inherits from dad and mother is the sin nature... everything else comes from God. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Believe in genes if you want to, but that is just more science falsely called." Okay, I will. By the way, genes were discovered by a Christian monk. "The only thing a human baby inherits from dad and mother is the sin nature... everything else comes from God." Well, no, you are wrong about that, too. -
Cry me a River
Good read comes from the Bible. What you wrote makes little sense to someone with true mind. -
Cry me a River
And just how did man observe a baby in the womb inheriting traits? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Here is some reading material: Try browsing around here: There are hundreds of diseases that have been identified as solely inherited: hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, huntington's disease, tay-sach's disease, sickle cell anemia, etc. The science behind these is accepted thoroughly throughout the medical community. -
Cry me a River
Jesus says that stuff comes from sin -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Jesus says that stuff comes from sin" No he doesn't. Jesus didn't every mention any of those diseases by name. And if you think Jesus said that all diseases come from sin, then why are Christians, who have had their sins forgiven, still affected by disease? -
Cry me a River
Why be crass about it? You are on the defensive.. it is a known fact that diseases come from sin.. believers struggle with sin until they die to be with the Lord -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
What did I say that was crass? You claimed "The only thing a human baby inherits from dad and mother is the sin nature... everything else comes from God," and now "it is a known fact that diseases come from sin." I'd love to see proof of any of this from any source. -
Linda Joy
You didn't. You presented facts she chooses to ignore. She often resorts to name calling when she can't back up her ramblings with facts and or someone disproves her claims. And she doesn't listen to reason when the facts are before her. She lives in an alternate universe where her ramblings make sense to her and only her.
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