Explain "the real world in scientific description?:
Shadow Of The Mind
The real world is everything that is physical and our surroundings as well. Anything else is in the mind. Anyone can be aware of the real world by using their senses and conscious mind. -
Explain the physical world? And isn't the way we experience the world is through our own brains interpretation? So basically you are experiencing your own body, through your brain in sum total? For example colours do not exist, the human brain equipped with the human eye determines colour. Sensations begin as signals generated by touch receptors in your skin. They travel along sensory nerves made up of bundled fibers that connect to neurons in the spinal cord. Then signals move to the thalamus, which relays information to the rest of the brain. Next stop is the somatosensory cortex, where signals are translated into a touch perception. -
⭐️Creamcrackered -
Shadow Of The Mind
The physical world is in the touching sense so you are right in saying the touch perception. Anything that we feel with our body is the physical world. The physical world is also the waking world in which we can be familiar with if some people get their heads out of the screen and get in touch with nature. We can experience the real world by being in tune with nature and the brain’s interpretation as you said correctly. The mistake that some people make is creating delusions in their head confusing themselves in the process not knowing how to differentiate reality and fantasy. -
So you agree that we are not experiencing reality, we are experiencing our bodies interpretation of reality, mainly the brain and central nervous system? Secondly, what is the physical world. The physical is matter, which when observed can change from particles to waves (double slit experiment). 99.99999 % of us is made up of empty space. Atoms are broken down to smaller particles, protons, neurons and electrons, these in turn are made up of quarks. If we lost all the dead space inside our atoms, we would each be able to fit into a particle of dust, and the entire human species would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. However, empty space isn't nothingness, it's made of wave functions and invisible quantum field. When you touch something or someone, you are feeling the electromagnetic force of your electrons pushing away their electrons. So in reality, your very important human body is really, just a misleading collection of empty spaces on an empty planet in an empty Universe. Brilliant isn't it? -
Shadow Of The Mind
Anyone can tap into the real world by using the 5 senses and using the conscious mind. There is only one reality that different people see parts of and quite often they misinterpret it by creating thoughts in their subconscious mind. The physical world is space and time. The reality is that Earth is not empty and contains life in all shapes and sizes for different species. -
I don't know if non religious people have different or better minds, you can only speak for yourself really, who knows what's going on in the minds of others, won't find that out until the thought police increase. At the moment all I see is paedophile rings. Muslims marry child brides, Jews were permitted to marry 3 year old in biblical time. It was so bad, parents were marrying off toddlers and children. Catholic Church has a pretty grotesque history, and now the Anglican Church is being exposed. A few times the ugly head of the British establishment has revealed paedophiles ring, Jimmy Saville, Ted Health, members of police force and courts, pizza Gate, its a sick world with sick minds, now they come for the children in a different way, grooming children in school on pronouns, transgenderism, homosexuality from age 4. Wanting children focused on sex, sexual orientation, confusion, chemical castration, multilation. If this ain't hell I don't know what is. BLM, the alphabet club LBTQ, climate change activists all trojan horses for marxism. To destroy the established order and degrade society I'm sick and tired of the lot of it. Our prime minster is releasing criminals who have only served 40% of their time, and locking up people for free speech. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I know that people have different minds and we should allow for head space by not forcing views on each other. Many religious people, not all, expect others to believe what they believe in which is being controlling and not respecting the individual mind. Some people are like sheep who like to follow each other while others are more independent minded. I’m aware of what is wrong with people in this world as you described well. The prime minister in your country has a problem with people speaking their mind. There is nothing wrong with speaking the mind as long as it doesn’t affect people’s feelings in a negative way. Some people are not mindful of others and only think of themselves and their own feelings due to their insensitivity. -
Facts don't care about feelings Shadow, feelings when driving a person, and reactonary, can be irrational and illogical. -
Some people don't examine their own arguments, regardless of whether they are religious. Most religions have a exoteric meaning and an esoteric one. The whole point was meant to be self transformative, it's far from its purpose. I've been atheist, so I can see your side of the argument, but how I understand religious schools of thought are different to those following the ritual aspects. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I know that facts don’t care about feelings. Caring about feelings is a human thing.
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