A baby does not see itself as separate from the world. All it knows if if it craps, it cries, its bum is changed, if it has wind, it crys, it's back is rubbed it belches. If it's hungry it cries, it's fed. A baby is completely helpless, and completely reliant on the outside for it's survival. Morals don't even come into it. And if you've seen a toddler, they'll sit in their own crap and thinks it chocolate. If you see young children , they grab, they snatch, they scream, they kick, they pinch, they are predominantly self orientated, they are taught to share, that's why "No." is the most used word. They can't even emotionally regulate, that too is reliant on the care giver. If a child is neglected or spoiled they can create narcissists, one had to lose their sense of self and create a force self to protect themselves, the other was never given boundaries, same traits different source. Even adults can lose their morals in, in group and out group mentality, which makes a group of people the threat, and therefore sub human.
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