I think he is the least corrupt President of my lifetime. *** That being said, he, too, was corrupt. For example: he, too, made campaign promises that he knew were not within the power of the office of President to keep. *** But perhaps more importantly relative to your question: he did not PERFORM well as President. His policies led to several problems, and he failed to address several of the major problems that existed during his term of office. I'd say that he was probably the most INEFFECTIVE President of my lifetime. *** Note: I haven't made a "verdict" on Biden yet, since his term as President is not over yet, and since we've yet to see the consequences (good or bad, effective or ineffective) of many of his policies.
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Carter was not very good but he caused no real harm.
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He was better than the guy who came after him, Ronald Reagan. He kept us out of war.He got the Vietnam War protesters who went to Canada to come home. He sued Ma Bell and lowered our phone rates. He got disabled people their handicapped parking spaces. lol😏😏😏
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I carefully rated each president based on their performance and compared my rating with Sienna and other historical sources who rated presidential performance. I personally rated him 22nd, and the aggregate of other sources also rated him 22nd (most rated him a little more harshly, but one source rated him 8th, which threw off my averaging). I guess that would place him about average or "okay." So, I suppose that's really neither good nor bad.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I had personally rated George Washington the best, and James Buchannan the worst. Aggregate scores resulted in a tie for best president between Washington and Lincoln, but agreed that Buchannan was the worst in history (although, again, one source rated him 10th worst, instead putting Franklin Pierce as the worst). -
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