9-23-2017 No - there are no US jobs to build the kind of crap that China builds. The problem is counterfeit money. There is no honest money anywhere in the world. Every country just creates as much money as the politicians want to spend. That always leads to a collapse, and almost every country in the world is showing signs. For instance, Greece has already stolen all bank deposits. When they found out the KGB was a big depositor they put a little over half of it back. Germany has set up plans to do the same, and France and USA are thinking about it. China is irrelevant, except that China is also in the counterfeit money business. The world's countries do not need cleverer policies, they need to get honest. That is called "austerity" and nobody but nobody wants that. So the world will plow on into total collapse.
Thanks for sharing! A total world collapse would bring in a one-world government. That's why we hear rumors of war. To move to product quality, I am neutral. Not all US products are great, and not all Chinese products are bad. When comparing quality, that all depends on the product category. US and Chinese products are not something to brag about. The "general perceptions" are in German cars, Italian fashion and French cosmetics. -
Jewels Vern
I recently went shopping for shoes and the first thing I told the clerk was that I was not buying anything made in China. Fortunately that store got its shoes made in India, so I was able to get some. They're not great, but they're ok. -
Made in China shoes are terrible. You mostly find those at Walmart. -
Jewels Vern
The last time I bought shoes I went to J. C. Penney. They came from China. I had to take a left shoe from one box and a right shoe from a different box to get a pair that seemed to be sewn together straight. After wearing them for a while, I realized that the tongue of one shoe was not sewn in right. -
J. C. Penney is an economical store. You can't expect much quality there. I prefer to shop online. I usually buy my footwear from my sister in Italy who works at a boot boutique. I get great discounts. Other places were I buy my footwear is at Saks Fifth Avenue. You can get special orders there, although the prices are not cheap. I get layaway plans on expensive footwear. Going to active shoes were the tongue is not sewn in right, any sporting goods store will offer active shoes that will last. -
Charin Cross
almost everything I buy has a "made in China" tag on it. it's not good that China makes so many of our products. China makes our medicine, they make our masks. It's not good to be so dependent on another country halfway around the world for almost everything America needs to function. That's what Trump's trade agreement was fixing. American needs to make more of its own stuff!! -
Saks Off Fifth offers high-quality shoes from many labels and at excellent prices. I've bought a number of Saks house label shoes there. As for the possibility of a "one world government," anyone who believes in that really needs professional treatment for conspiracytheoryitis. -
Army Veteran
China is not "taking" US jobs, they're taking over the economy through free trade, selling their slave-labor produced products cheaper than Americans can produce them for. This is why "buy American made" store owners can't compete with the likes of Walmart and others who buy from China. Originally, America was supposed to collect its revenue through tariffs. It has since changed course, collecting its revenue through taxation. "Counterfeit money" hit the nail on the head. The Federal Reserve Notes that the government is producing are called "fiat" money - they have nothing of value to back them. The Constitution specifically says that nothing but gold and silver will be the medium of trade. This law has since been violated - gold in 1933 and silver in 1964. This is why they can increase their budgets into the trillions of dollars each year. You can bet your ass that if gold and silver were still the official standards, they wouldn't be throwing it away so recklessly. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
People, Saks Fifth Avenue sells top notch products that are made in many European countries. Their products are definitely not cheap as ya think. A pair of Made in Italy Christian Louboutin boots cost way over a grand. If you go to Walmart, Target, J.C. Penney as suggested by Jewels Vern, you can get a pair of boots for less than $50.00 dollars. In these difficult economic times in the US, the majority of people look for bargains. It is how China takes advantage of US jobs to sell their crap in America. To the NWO, it is in the making with inflation. Those who believe in a one world government are the type who would rather be prepared for the worst to come. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Army Veteran, China is not taking US jobs? Try telling that to many Americans who have lost their jobs - all because like Charin said, almost everything has a Made in China tag. Much of it is done like you say through "slave labor." -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You said the KGB was counterfeiting money in Greece. Do you have any proof of that? Also People like you also want to go back to the Gold Standard. However we left the Gold standard because France asked for all its gold back from Fort Knox in 1973 and nearly emptied the joint. The gold standard was an unworkable lie. That is why we left. As for fiat currency it will work as long as people accept it.
i hope not but that might be why i cant find one
And which country do you live in silly man? -
BTW, your quotes are misplaced. -
Then you avoid my question. -
Very silly of you. -
You wanted to dance with me. :D -
You're too slow for me. -
That's right. -
Army Veteran
Don't you just love it when someone backpedals so fast that they drop clean out of sight? :) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Army Veteran, we are dough 68 was terminated on Answerbag. -
Linda Joy
You know that's Beaker, right? I miss him.
No, the US was practically forcing businesses to go elsewhere by having the highest corporate taxes in the world, raising minimum wages and not enough tariffs on imports. Trump is taking steps to correct this.
Linda Joy
We would have been in very good shape if China hadn't engaged in biological warfare releasing a pandemic on the world just to do away with Trump.
Indirectly, if you could pay your workers $2 / day!
No. They steal intellectual property an make knockoffs.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
No, the Chinese brand is "improved." For example, Adidas shoes have only three stripes, but Addidus has four stripes! 50% less cost to the consumer and 33% more stripes (also 33% more letter "D" in the brand name! The factory also says "Height jump running premium quality athletic basketball fashion sports shoe." Hard to argue with that item description. Seriously, though, if people would stop wasting their money on this type of garbage, these scams wouldn't be so prevalent. -
Linda Joy
Many countries outsource to China.
China's not "taking" them. US companies send work there because it's a lot cheaper to manufacture goods there. Go complain to their CEOs if you don't like this outsourcing.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Donald Trump made it clear that China takes advantage of US jobs. If a product can be done in China at a ridiculously low price, it is called "competing" with the result of: millions of Americans get their jobs stolen.
Trump did a great job bring jobs back from China, but with Biden in charge he will probably allow more jobs to go to China. I only say that because that is what happened when he was vice president.
"Trump did a great job bring jobs back from China" --- really Doug? Which jobs did Orange Don bring back from China?? Because there were 3.1 million fewer US jobs in December 2020 than in January 2017 when Trump took office. And, his stupid tariff war with China?? The Federal Reserve indicated that tariffs on Chinese goods cost the average household $831 a year. So, I'll wait for your answer. -
Douglas Wade
Did you live in a cave when Trump was president? It is a well known fact that he renegotiated trade teals with China, Mexico and others and brought hundred of thousands of manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. When he said, "putting America first", what do you think he was talking about? -
Linda Joy
He's trying to use COVID against him. That's why CHINA RELEASED THE COVID VIRUS TO END TRUMP'S TERM. And too many Americans fell for it. I still don't see how they blamed Trump for that when its been proven China did it and Fauci helped finance it, then lied about it. And I still don't see why China hasn't been held accountable for releasing a pandemic on the entire world!
they are talking many jobs world wide and why, cause some companies pay them small wages ..lots of clothes now in the big shops are dirt cheap made in china and India etc but poor quality now , when same shops used to have australian made and they were nice quality but hard to find an aussie made now in them big shops...
I saw a Chinese lady working at Nordstrom yesterday. OMG, what should we do?
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nordstrom will start selling crappy stuff if the Chinese take over.
The Chinese can only "take" a US job if they are better at it. Its a selection process, not a lottery. lol
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! The Chinese are good at making imitation products for a lot less money.
They aren't taking jobs - they're infusing their cheaply made slave-produced products into our weak economy and we just can't compete. [] "No state shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts." - Article 1 section 10, US Constitution The DEMOCRATS created the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in 1913 The FEDERAL RESERVE BANK started issuing FEDERAL Reserve Notes also in 1913. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are "fiat" currency - meaning they have nothing of value to back them up. The DEMOCRATS took the US off of the Gold Standard in 1933. The DEMOCRATS took the US off of the Silver Standard in 1964. The DEMOCRATS have since been increasing the government budget by trillions of dollars per year. They're trying to run this country into the ground. (They also got the US into two world wars.) If gold and silver were still the standards of currency, you can bet your ass they would not be throwing it away so recklessly.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! The problem is, millions of Americans feel their jobs have been stolen. Over the past decade, not only is economic interdependence now seen in many quarters as a liability, but much of the Washington policy community now believes that the benefits of trade with China are far outweighed.
Capitalism "sells": jobs to the lowest bidder. Unless you own the company they aren't "YOUR": jobs, THEY ARE the owner's jobs.
How does one compete with slave labour? My country now has no industry mostly because Aussies are tight arses and allways take the cheapest option our grandparents sold all industry off long ago . Now they bring Asians here and pay them bugger all Australia supports slavery we have no shortage of Asian whores here our leaders sold the country in the 1970's. They not only stole jobs they are stealing the country and our sell out leaders are getting piad to help them do it. We will all be slaves inside of 30 years. Kevin Rudd is a big sell out .
What's weird is how no employers seem to be able to stay fully staffed. If there is a job deficit, there is an even worse employee deficit.
China? No. Are U.S companies deciding to move production jobs overseas? They have been for sometime. Apple makes iPhones in China as well as the Trump Collection clothing because labor is cheaper and no labor unions to worry about.
They certainly have many of our politicians working for them.
No. American employers are giving them to the Chinese.
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