I think both Bush's were, overall, better than average. Bush Sr was certainly preferable to Clinton...and to Bush Jr. I felt Bush Sr. was competent and effective, and though sort of pale in comparison to Reagan, he had the advantage of not suffering Reagan's shortcomings (and scandals). Bush Jr. had a major failure in handling the Katrina crisis and (IMO) was too hasty in starting the War in Iraq (though I admit he might have had primarily economic reasons for doing so - and by that I mean: national economic reasons, not personal economic reasons. If that was the case, the war might NOT have been premature - but in that case the war was not justifiable).
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George W. Bush is said by many people to be a bad president. He was a warmonger who started 2 major land wars - Afghanistan and Iraq. Both wars were absolutely done for no good reason.
Thank you
i think he was good by what i seen from australia
Thank you
I carefully rated each president based on their performance and compared my rating with Sienna and other historical sources who rated presidential performance. I personally rated GHWB 27th and GWB 39th, and the aggregate of other sources rated them 20th and 29th, respectively (most agreed on HW, but W was very polarizing, and the sources who rated him highest gave justification relating to his handling of 911, which I strongly disagreed with). That puts George the first as a solid "okay" and George the second as a mildly bad president, historically. I do believe, though, that many of these sources didn't account for more recent declassified documents and events that have reflected more poorly on W, so my personal opinion, that he is one of the worst presidents in US history, is deeply rooted in several factors, half a dozen of which I'll list in my comment below:
bostjan the adequate 🥉
1. His behaviour in the 2000 election. Rather than allow votes to be recounted, or to follow the precedent set by Rutherford B. Hayes of settling the election dispute with a compromise, he blatantly leaned on the Supreme Court justices his dad had nominated to push him through as the victor. I believe that this event alone is responsible for a great deal of the sour grapes between Democrats and Republicans that has heated up until this day. 2. His administration neglected intelligence reports that predicted a terrorist attack, and we now know through declassified documents, that the CIA was even warning him of the specific 911 terrorists and their specific plot to attack us with airplanes, yet nothing was done to stop them. Even at the time, W was lambasted by the media for his slow response to the event. The right, at the time, defended him, but considering the seriousness of the situation and the information Bush and his administration had at the time, I believe his slow response was inexcusable. 3. His eventual response was to try to blame the Taliban, which we now know had no direct involvement, and we recently found out through declassified documents that Bush's administration never even believed that they were directly involved, yet saw them as an opportune scapegoat. He then shifted blame from them to Saddam Hussein, which we even knew with certainty at the time was uninvolved. This was not a blunder, but a direct deception by Bush's administration. 4. By doubling down on this deceptive narrative, Bush led congress into approving of two pointless wars that cost thousands of young American lives, and, again, through declassified documents, we now know can piece together that this was all done solely out of greed. I'd rate that scandal as one of the three worst political scandals in any presidential administration in US history. I am frankly flabbergasted that few historians even make much note of this as of yet, but I'm confident that it will some day be more openly discussed. 5. His mishandling of the economy didn't directly lead to the 2008 crash, but did strongly contribute to it. 6. The Patriot Act championed by his administration was one of the three most harmful pieces of legislation for American citizen's personal rights in history. -
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