One of the best Presidents of my lifetime in the sense of how effective he was at making positive changes and solving problems at the national level, certainly more effective than most others. The Iran-Contra affair is of course a serious mark against him (exposing typical Presidential duplicity), but that's probably the only *serious* mark against him.
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He was one of the best...certainly in the top 5.
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Recession, homeless crisis, Throwing mentally ill people on the street, Arms for Hostages, Secret War in Nicaragua and selling drugs to Blacks to support that war. Elevating Sunday Morning preachers to the White House but never went to church. He was a real chisler.
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I think he was the last POTUS America was actually proud of. The last one that had enough of a spine to stand up for what he believed in. The last one to do what he thought was best for Americans and not what was best for his political career.
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I carefully rated each president based on their performance and compared my rating with Sienna and other historical sources who rated presidential performance. I personally rated him 13th, and the aggregate of other sources also rated him 11th (he seems to be very polarizing among historians, since he rated as high as 8th best and as low as 18th). But even the sources who disliked him most still placed him markedly better than average, which places him definitively in the "good" ballpark, unless you think anyone outside of the top eight or ten is bad.
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