I've wondered that same thing. I know my mental health professionals occasionally ask me if I have access to a handgun. I've never applied for one.
Thank you Linda :) :)
I would hope NOT!
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According to the Constitution of the USA, a person's right to bear arms is not to be infringed by the government. There is no provision in the language excluding that right based on mental capability, felony history, personal motive, etc. Yet, none of this makes logical sense. Rather than correct this properly by amending the Constitution, our lawmakers have simply decided that the Constitution doesn't matter anymore. In that case anything goes, depending on the way the people in charge feel at any given moment. So, to answer your question, no one knows.
Thanks for your comment :) -
The constitution and laws contradict themselves. lol.. :/
The so-called gun laws that could (or should) prevent you from getting a gun, may or may not. If they do, you only need to make the right ghetto contact, pay the money, and get pretty much any sort of gun you want. Black market gun sellers do not obey gun laws, nor do their customers....a small fact the liberal brain has never been able to grasp. All the gun laws enacted since the days of Al Capone has never stopped one criminal (or wacko) from buying a gun, and never will. Gun laws were not, are not, and never will be, intended to disarm criminals or lunatics. Gun laws have but one purpose, and one target.
Thanks for your comment well appreciated :)
That is what the streets are for, for how easy it is to get a black market gun. The streets are flooded with guns, and so many people conceal and carry, it is ridiculous.
Thanks for your input well appreciated :)
well i hope not, .surely theres a hobby for you where you get exercise to help with stress etc ..
Thanks for the comment :)
That all depends on how serious are your problems. 😆
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