Not all of them do. I never have. Crossing of the arms is a defensive posture. It shows they don't trust them, or feel threatened. The friend or family member of a police officer might open their arms in a hug.
It's a common human nature reaction that people do involuntarily when they feel they need to defend themselves. Watch people who get in an argument and you will see that, without thinking about it, they frequently cross their arms in front of their chest. I have found myself doing that then catching my reaction and quickly unfolding them to avoid appearing defensive.
Linda Joy
Its not an effective defensive posture, though. Its not easy to strike quickly from a folded arms posture. I'm more likely to casually ease into something similar to a horse stance but not pronounced enough to broadcast that I'm ready!
That's one of the things you're trained to look for, body posture.
they rnight be nervous
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