No, it doesn't ! I loved that show .. and two times naught is still two times naught. Sadly, in recent times, I've tried to explain the concept to my little buddy. But his math skills are still naught. You can tell by his miscalculation of infinite numbers. Yeah, okay so I've had a few shots of Tequila ... so what has that got to do with any thing ? HeHe
Linda Joy
It's all naught! But is it all for naught? I think NOT! That's very naught-y - NOT! Hahaha -
Linda Joy
I was reminded last night that it didn't stop him from becoming agent double naught. And he wore an iron skillet for a bullet proof vest! Was that the same one with the frogman in the swimming pool? -
Ice man
Good question. I remember the cast iron pan, but naught I mean ...not the frogman. -
Linda Joy
It must have been separate episodes then. I'm having trouble logging on to answerbag today it takes several minutes to load a page maybe it's just High internet usage today. I would think everybody in this area would be outside it's so beautiful out there today! -
Ice man
The site was slow for me yesterday, but today it seems alright. It's a crappy overcast day up here. We had a few days of mega rain so I don't think the motorcycle is coming out just yet. -
Linda Joy
Beautiful and sunny here. Pool's not open yet, but it won't be long! Gotta go
I loved the show the Beverly Hillbillies. When did Jethro ever say anything that computed? Lol!!
Linda Joy
What were your favorite episodes? I'll be checking back later -
Rick Myres
All of them actually.
It depends on how you were taught. Some of it is all for naught!
Take any number divided by itself as a fraction, and the answer is ONE !
Linda Joy
you can't divide by zero. -
Then zero is not a number, is that right? -
Army Veteran
Dividing by zero means you have nothing to divide it by - hence, the answer will always be the number you started with. Dividing by one is a different can of numbers entirely. Everyone says that a number divided by one is the same original number. Au Contraire, intellectuals - the definition of "divide" is: "to separate into two or more parts." Thus, you can't divide by 1 since the result will have to be 2 or more. The lowest number you can divide by is two. Sounds like Jethro was right. -
Linda Joy
Jethro was wrong! If you try to divide by 0 in a program it will crash with a data exception. -
Army Veteran
If you use the same program and divide 1 by 1 the answer will be 1. But that can't be, either based on the definition of "divide" as described above.
Sounds like Jethro was naughty.
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