No, I don't think you have a mental problem. Something hurt you in the past and you make yourself defensive because of it. I am the same mainly because I don't trust people because of some things in my past. I too am a friendly person but am careful about what I say around others mainly because they do not understand what I am saying. You just continue to be yourself and don't let the world bother you.
Aww this is so wholesome! Thank you! :)
only a psychiatrist can tell you that, maybe you should go see one if you think something is wrong
It don't seems to be mental issue in you, this is very common in every 2-3rd person. everyone think twice before replying to someone question or feedback. if still you have a doubt on yourself you discuss this with your love once, i am sure you will get some more better and useful advice. you consult some Counseller to hear you.
When in doubt, don't worry. A good sign of introspective!
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