We nudists are not dumb. We all carry towels to sit on for hygiene reasons. Well we can use the towel to clean our glasses and we often sew a washcloth in one corner with a Velcro flap. We carry keys, change and whatever in that little pocket in the towel.
Fanny packs Shoulder bags Tote Beach bag How difficult to figure that out or were you just trying to be a smart mouth and get people to say they stuff things up their bums?
Linda Joy
The first line about cleaning their glasses was the first thought that went through my mind the other two just seemed to follow. I knew thinker would answer this one for me if he were here. And yeah, I joke around, but honesty up my butt is not the first place I thought of. And the only smart mouth I'm hearing is yours!
It's why they walk around in pairs - one with long wavy hair to clean glasses with. They use their "natural pocket" to keep phones, keys and valuables, just like prisoners sneaking things inside, do.
I guess they hold onto them or tie them around their neck!
Lol. I don't wear glasses yet and my keys and phone I keep in my beach bag.
As thinker says naturists have towels. Phones, keys, wallets etc. usually in a bag or the pockets of the clothes we took off.
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