Because it doesn't fit into the liberal narrative. Just like the fact that the democrats opposed pretty much every civil rights legislation that was put forward. Instead they try to push the "Big Switch," which is liberal jargon for "let's blame all the shit we did on the Republicans."
Liberals are like other fanatics in seeing only what they want to see. They ignore such inconvenient facts as this one.
Being a grand dragon in the KKK is apparently not a deal breaker to the people of West Virginia.
Linda Joy
Or democrats.
Are you sure he was a Grand Dragon? The info I read said he was Exalted Cyclops of his chapter. I have no idea what the difference is. Didn't even know who he was till I saw this question. From what I read he was in his early 20's and excited anyone noticed him. Since the prefrontal cortex isn't completely developed by then I can cut the guy some slack. But thank you for helping educate me and bringing these things to our attention.
Linda Joy
Wow! Apparently a lot of democrats and a few republicans were members of the KKK!
never heard of hinn
Archie Bunker
Then why answer?
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