i dont really know anything about that
It is sad that anyone is paid millions of dollars to play a children's game, and it is foolish to protest against the nation that does such stupid things. Where else would he be a millionaire? He has no sensible protest. It is just manufactured. It is appalling to see NFL CEOs cater to him and his mindless imitators. Few of them can give coherent reasons for kneeling.
Archie Bunker
They're paid millions because people pay to go see them. Same thing with Hollywood. They get millions because people pay to see the movies. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies. -
Sensible people must boycott the NFL and Hollywood.
Professional sports has created more black millionaires than any other industry. Funny how they say it's racist. And if it is so racist, I want to see more white players, no matter their skill level, since the white folks seem to be underrepresented on the field.
Yeah, where is slavery when you need it?
Linda Joy
Many people are slaves today! Many in the sex trades. "More than 40 million people were estimated to be victims of modern slavery in 2016 -- and one in four of those were children." Too bad nobody cares about the REAL problems in the world because of BS crap like this NON ISSUE talking attention away from REAL ISSUES! -
You want people to take sex trafficking seriously? Alex Acosta, Trump's labor secretary, cut funding for the agency responsible for prosecuting sex traffickers by 80%. This was the same guy who gave Epstein a sweetheart deal that kept him out of jail for years. So don't pretend Republicans care about sex trafficking. -
Linda Joy
I never said they did. What's your solution to the problem?
Taking a knee is about raising awareness that predominantly unarmed black men are still being shot in the back or choked to death by police and the justice system often turns a blind eye to these deadly uses of force. As it happens again and again without consequence. The media narrative often ignores the purpose of exposing this deadly institutional prejudice.
Archie Bunker
Cops have a much higher chance of being killed by a black man than a black man has of being killed by the cops. It's a fake narrative. Quit drinking the KoolAid -
Linda Joy
I suppose these were law abiding citizens in their homes helping their children with their homework and the cops broke in and killed them? I'm not buying it! Blacks commit more crime per capita than any other race. If they weren't out committing crimes cops wouldn't mess with them. And Archie is right. A cop is 18.5 Times more likely to be killed by a black man than vice versa. -
You are wrong. Unarmed black thugs attack cops and try to take their guns, so they are shot. Such force is justified. Blacks commit the most crimes by far and many of them hate laws and cops, so they start fights with them while insane with rage. Blacks kill one anothr and cops. You are wrong. -
When the discussion over generalizes using one example while ignoring the incidences of excessive use of (deadly) force and ethnic profiling is like choosing to count only oranges and argue that there are no apples. And sometimes in the case of my friends 25yo son with mental health issues made the paper when the DA was quoted in the headline "Officer Justified in Killing Unarmed Handcuffed Man" (even with 3 officers present.) This young man was white so the problem extends to how some officers perform particularly under duress. Ethnic prejudice amplifies this. And when the law excuses the public cases caught on video, there remain a blatant injustice to be wrestled with. Hats off to the large multitude of officers that work with very difficult and sometime life threatening circumstances. The fact is that ethnic prejudice is deeply rooted in our society of which none of us are above. May we at least move toward "equal protection under the law" and prosecute the bad "apples and oranges" no matter the color of their skin or position of power. -
You are doing what you accuse someone else of doing. Blacks commit the most crimes and are the majority in prison. Any time a black thug starts trouble with a cop that he passionately hates and is shot as he deserves, the blacks mindlessly chant, "Racism". -
I'd really like to see those statistics about the high rate of cop murders by black men. Because in 2019, 139 police officers were killed in the line of duty (including things like traffic accidents) while 259 black people were killed by police. Sorry, your claim just come close to adding up. -
"Blacks commit the most crimes" is false mostly because black people are far more likely than white people to be arrested for non-violent crimes, far more likely to be falsely imprisoned, far more likely to have evidence planted on them by crooked cops, and far more likely to be convicted on flimsy evidence. There was a Reddit thread a while back asking white people about times they did something illegal and were given a short talking to by police and released, while black people in that same situation would have been hauled in. We do not have an equal justice system. -
Linda Joy
No one said it was.
The truth is he won't be taking a knee if groups didn't pay him to tax free.
Linda Joy
They aren't anymore! -
I have to laugh at Republicans. Upset over someone who legally and constitutionally decides to make a non-violent protest like "taking a knee" -- and they turn right around after claiming how much they support the police - the TRUTH is they actually worship and support a lowlife, fat Orange POS who attacked our own US Capitol building to insurrect our US Congress in the process of certifying the Federal Election, and killing police and other citizens in the process. Republicans are a two-faced, lying JOKE. And any Trumpie being "outraged by dishonesty" -- sorry, that's even a BIGGER joke.
Linda Joy
Laugh all you want at Republicans, they're almost half of the problem. But don't assume just because someone is against one particular liberal issue they are a republican. I'm not one. And I'm not against legal protest. What I'm against is someone disrespecting our flag and being hypocritical in the process. -
Are you against people wearing the flag as underwear? Putting Trump's face on it? Using a pole with an American flag on it to beat a police officer? Or do you just object to black people kneeling during the anthem?
Sure, the fact that a handful of black athletes make millions should totally wipe out the fact that black people are stopped, beaten and killed at an outrageous rate by police, even when they're doing everything they were told to do and not resisting at all. But hey, society graciously let a few of them play football instead of planting drugs on them and sending them to jail on false charges, so black people have no right to object, right?
Linda Joy
Do you even know what a fact is? Its backed up with a link to proof. Not just YOUR OPINION, which is wrong and when you repeat it its a lie.
You're correct - because he was allowed to play pro sports, his "protest" was a contradiction to what he supposedly was protesting against. His protest was a racist BLM protest and a disgrace to everything the flag stands for. The one positive aspect of it was that it exposed professional sports for the racism it embodies.
And whites are responsible for almost all WHITE homicides (including most mass shootings). It's a meaningless statistic, because it merely reflects proximity. All criminals tend to commit their crimes in their own environments and to kill their own. And no one said Kaepernick wasn't afforded the chance to be a professional football player, but I have to point out that professional athletes FREQUENTLY use their prominent positions to make statements about various social issues. That's been going on for many years. There is nothing unusual -- or terrible -- about the fact that Kaepernick chose to do so. This is is an extremely offensive and racist, not to mention whiny, post, and I am reporting it.
Linda Joy
What goes around comes around! I have no problem with legal protest, I have a problem with him disrespecting the flag and being hypocritical about it. And I'm aware that most crime is perpetuated on same race. And that whites commit more crime than blacks. That wasn't part of the question either. And as I've said several times now if you don't like my questions ask better ones and skip mine. It really is that easy. Being fair and equal is not being racist. Being ashamed of being fair, equal and white and cowering to oppressive comments is not equality, and it does not solve the problem. What pisses you off is that what I said is true.
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