So how long have you been pregnant?
Excellent Aug. 11 2017
How much you weigh! Aug.11 2016
How much do you weight.
Are you a woman?
All questions are on the table. Just like they are for men.
if you were fat as ya cant be asked if you are pregnant and ya should not ask a women that
age, weight, and do you look fat in this outfit.
Safer to just keep ones mouth shut until she addresses you.
"Were you attractive when you were younger?"
Depends on your intent. Perhaps you need a woman to slap you to create a diversion so your associate can exit a crowded building unnoticed. Or perhaps you are conducting a survey. Or perhaps you want to hire a woman to fulfill a quota. Who knows? I'm certain there is a hypothetical situation that could explain asking any question.
How much do you weigh? How old are you? (If she looks to be older than, say, 30) When is the baby due? When are you getting married/having children? And any question that could be interpreted as sexual harassment.
Are you a woman or a man?
her age
"I don't want to date you, but is there any chance your brother is gay?"
Her age
Do you date serial murderers?
Linda Joy
if you are pregnant~ how old~ why are you cranky- have you got ya periods
How much do you weigh? How old are you? Are you menopausal? Are you on your period? How many men have you slept with?
Can I touch you there?
Are you on the rag?😊
Anything you don't want coming back on you for the next fourscore and 7 years. In other words, keep your mouth shut and answer questions only with grunts and non-committal phrases.
her age
Are you wearing a bra?
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