sometimes i wonder if i should ask the guys out since they wont ask me
Linda Joy
Yes, you should! Or you could just say yes to the one that's already following you around!
I agree. Some of us just need a little extra push and encouragement from others sometimes. Rejection is hard!
Linda Joy
Pshaw! Rejection is simply narrowing down the list directing you to the right one! And many who originally say no often reconsider after they've thought about it. -
That?s a really good way to look at it. You should be a life coach :) pretty pic for your new avatar btw! -
Linda Joy
Not sure when you posted this, I don't get notifications on comments. But thank you.
I had a lady on the sidewalk in front of my house one time (about 10 years ago) and she lost her words then blurted out "I'm lookin for a sugar daddy". It shocked me and I turned around and got in my truck and drove off.
Linda Joy
Lol! You didn't want to be her sugar daddy? You couldn't give her directions to one? Hahaha! -
Rick Myres
No I sure did not like how she looked at me. She had greedy eyes. Lol
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