because people are assholes
and ,because people dont understand when to stop and they don't know whats going on in other peoples life!!!!!!
We have to evaluate people. To decide if we should hire someone, loan to someone, trust them to care for our children. Etc.
It's easier to see faults in others. They are like our mirrors.
Because they have nothing better to do with their sad, empty existence.
It increases their self esteem
So they can cast the first stone.
It's human nature and it will never change.
OMG, there are people that the more you get to know them the less you like them. If you were a cat you would hiss every time they walk by..."every time." There heart is like filthy rags.....ewwwww...hisssssssssssssss
Some people do it out of jealousy, pure hatred towards another person, or maybe they too have been judged one too many times. :/ Most people, like the_voices_dislike_ said, are total assholes
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