If Wonder Woman give him a second, Trump will defeat himself.
Trump has High-Grade Halitosis that could kill anyone.
Whoa! Wonder Woman could make all those politicians tell the truth with her golden laso!
Kevin Spacey.
Captain Pants
Jun 4, 2021 I miss you. I'm back. Where the hell are ya? Yahoo Answers closed, and the entire jokes & riddles category moved to a site called Tapatalk, but gays overrran it posting porn shots so it's dead. I was remembering how funny you and Ice man were. I'd love to just TELL JOKES somewhere. That's all I want to do. But you'd HAVE TO come back and help me make funny, I cant just be the only funny guy. That wont work. If you leave me alone I swear, the next time my pants fall down, I'm gettin on the bus that way! (OK, it's not much of a plan. Hold on, I learned a trick from Towelie *gets high* ....Dude, whaaa ?? -
Linda Joy
I miss you both, and ice man!
Trump is a woose...He would run away!
Shadowfire the Sarcastic
What's a woose? -
Linda Joy
Trump has a very particular and famous grappling move he uses against women that would probably not make Diana very happy.
Linda Joy
There's not much I'd pay money to see, but this is one!
If Trump were a fictional character, this would be a very different world.
Trump would assault her with his hair and it would gross her out so much she would run.
We all would.
Wonder woman would win. She's much more powerful. Trump is a loser. He's a poor sport. Wonder woman would win but Trump will claim he did.
Trump would barge in on her while she was in the bathroom. Then Wonder Woman would lash him to a seat in her invisible airplane with her golden lasso and send him on a one way trip to Moscow where he he can be with his buddies who are all going to jail. lol
She might get him to tell the truth.
(Would you look at all of the intelligence in this room... my, it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.)
How do you think up such rubbish?
Well...Wonder Woman can breathe space while wearing her one-piece bathing suit and lassoing asteroids. *** On the other hand, Trump can lie with both hands tied behind is back. *** Too close to call.
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