if immature= toys if mature= mp3 player
If they have an IPOD a card to download tunes... otherwise a dvd or a cd...or my ds is turning 13 and his sister got him a 20Q game and he is having a blast with it...
A portable game system would be nice (PSP, Nintendo DS, etc)
it depends what they are into. maybe an mp3 player or clothing. it depends how much money you want to spend.
it totally depends on what your child likes i.e designer clothes,ipod,football shirts and things like bikes and rollerblades but if an ipod is to expensive you should try dvds and cds or itunes cards which enable you to download music from the card
If it's a boy, Legos (not loose, but a set). A girl, a diary or a scrapbook with some scrapbooking items.
i'm 11.. ( girl) Expensive Stuff: ipod digital camera Litttle puppy Decorative Stuff for my room like bedspreads.. Inexpensive Stuff earrings cd cute shoes hair stuff
nintendo ds lite. Fun for kids and grown ups!
How about get him or her their own digital camera. Walmart has some madee just for kids that are easy and fun to use.
i dont know
dvds, itunes gift card, purse, t-shirts
My neice is turning 11 next month. Here is her list of things she wants: Anything Jonas Bothers Anything arts and crafts (she loves shopping at Michaels) She also like camp rock, high school musical, and hannah montana She has a Nintendo DS, and likes games for it as well
My thought would be a gift card to almost any "cool" place, Best Buy, iTunes, clothing store. That's what my granddaughter likes to get.
A good book! For boys, try Gary Paulson, or some of the older writers like Jim Kjelgard, Walter Morey or Albert Payson Terhune. Mark Twain is always good. Or J. K. Rowling for either gender. For girls, maybe Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, Little Women. All of those old classic wear well. I loved Cheaper by the Dozen at that age, the book, not the movie. The movie only had the number of children in common. Magazine subscriptions aren't a bad idea, or museum passes. Anything to get them interested in a hobby or an avocation. I also loved Marguerite Henry (Misty of Chincoteague) at that age.
For boys:The Great Brain series by John D. Fitzgerald; girls, esp. Veronica Knows Best by Nancy K. Robinson as well as her other books, Mail Order Wings(based on Kafka!) by Beatrice Gormley as well as her other twisted books. Understood Betsy is a great classic.
A book. Try Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising series. They just made a (lousy) movie of the first one, but the book is great and the rest are pretty good too.
Im 11 y/o girl: This is the thing i would want: A trip to the mall for the whole day. have the family only give her money so she could go to the mall for the day and use it to buy things. Me, personally, Im in love with the store: Sidecca only bring her ther if she LOVES COLORFUL CLOTHING. check out ther website... hope this helps
I bought my son a really snazzy water bottle.. he can use it for camping, or going to school, he takes it everywhere. Its not one of those cheap plastic ones. Rather its a high quality stainless steel. All the kids at school were asking him about it. I bought it at
Heres what i would like Webkinz Sims XG-505 Scooter ( Movies Nintedno ds or Nintendo games Cash Trampoline Heelys Paintset this is my wishlist im turning 11 in 13 days
Maybe Jewelery set,make up that they can play around with But mainly clothes n stuff!
an 11 yr old girl would like either money or a gift card from her favorite place for shopping or favorite place to eat last year we took our 12 yr old grandson out to eat for his birthday and got him a pay as you go phone which most of the 11 yr olds love because the parents can watch their minutes closer
A set dollar amount and choice of going to a book store or toy store and buy whatever the dollar amount allows. Kids love the freedom to spend money on their own choices.
a puppy
For a boy: For a girl:
its so difficult buying for them at that age ..i gave em a card with money inside ...
A turtle.
A new Ferrari. He may not be old enough to drive it, but he'll be forever grateful.
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