A sandwitch...+
J.C. Penney catalog! lol +5 Best, Jonathan
A kazoo.
A decent toupee.
A copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" !! :) +5
tickets to DisneyLand
A hairbrush. L O L
food stamps
Unemployment checks.
Coupons Welfare Stamps Pawn Tickets
a leftover McDonalds french fry?
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You might be surprised.
a comb ?
Diet pills.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Actually he likes the European ones, the ones with real pseudoephedrine.
A hairbrush
Gummy bears
Airplane Ticket
a trump card!
McDonald's coupons for when he heads out to lunch.
A Bible!=D
Receipts for charity donations
He should spend some of that money on a top quality toupee! One of the wealthiest men anywhere.... and he can't seem to get a decent haircut.
Work gloves :)
His ego. It wouldn't be big enough to hold it! ;-)
Bill's phone number. He won't want anyone to know they are good friends since that would blow the NWO's cover.
A comb.
A spatula
Melania's nose
Ice man
Where do you think he wants her to put it ?
The Trumpeter himself
drugs probably
Hairspray, brush, and hand sanitizer
A f*ck. He has no f*cks to give what the hippes say.
food probably
a comb
A signed confession...
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Jared Kushner's panties.
Logic for Dummies.
The Book of Virtues
Joe Biden's birthday card.
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