Right now, it smells like bleach.
My house smells like jasmeni
Midsummer Night, A Yankee Candle
Right now it smells like dog pee. Ususally it smells like a new house.
Glade Apple/Cinnamon and #2
Cinnamon Lattes. +5
...stale, rotten eggs! (Taco salad for dinner, last night!!!)
nag champa - a wonderful smell!
mostly, vanilla
I scrubbed the floor this morning and the scent of meadow flowers with febreeze still lingers
mine just smells
I'm burning a candle right now that smells like clean linen.
vanilla +5
Chips i just had some doritos.
Burnt sage, my aunt has a weird thing about burning weeds when she comes over
Chicken and also Biscuits. +5
Freshly laundered comforters and sheets.
Apples and cinnamon.
rabbit and cat poo
Fried shrimp and it does smell very good.
Bleach... been cleaning the bathroom...
sizzling fajitas with bell pepper and sausage and white cheese with homemade flour tortillas and charro beans
Microwave butter popcorn.
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