There are many aromas that can trigger childhood memories. A long forgotten taste of something can do it to me as well. Last year I stumbled across some old style black licorice while shopping. When I smelled the licorice through the package, I had to buy it. When I got home and tried it ... the taste of it was like melting the years away until I was 10 years old again. Recently I came across a brand name of pies that I'd never seen before and decided to give the blueberry a try. When I opened the box the aroma started melting away those years again, and the taste took me right back to my grandmother's kitchen.
Ice man
You shouldn't be sitting in it anyway, your loin cloth will get ..stinkier. -
Ice man
That's only because of your accent. They think you're Canadian. LOL -
Ice man
Polite, beer drinking, hockey fans who make the best maple syrup to put on crumpets. -
Ice man
Yeah ... that too. -
Ice man
"Mighty" ? (sorry for the 5 minute delay .. I was rolling on the floor laughing) For the most part we love, respect, and support our English brothers and sisters, along with the monarchy, it's history and traditions. Just yesterday, and every year (at this time) since 1845, we have celebrated "Victoria Day", in honor of Queen Victoria's birthday. We will continue to do so, even though she is no longer the longest reigning monarch in British history. And what a colorful and interesting history it is. That being said ... we're still pissed at you for selling us those leaky, junk submarines that all had to go into dry dock for major reworks. You drive on the wrong side of the road. How in the world did you ever conclude that the rear storage area of an automobile should be called a "boot"? We question the sensibility of a nation who drinks warm beer and brag about eating something that sounds more like a sexually transmitted disease, "Spotted Dick", made from suet, the stuff we put out for the wild birds. Then there's that other gem the English love to eat at any occasion... "Marmite". That stuff smells as bad as a tannery on a hot summer day. On the upside ... Benny Hill made us laugh, and we know that not all of you (but more than half) act the way Monty Python would portray the English. The proof of this can be witnessed any day that parliament is in session. Coronation Street has been on the TV since 1960, and amazingly enough ... has a very large following here in Canada. You had enough yet, or would you like some more ? : P -
Ice man
You're so easy. I knew that crap (truth) about Corrie St. would get you. -
Ice man
I've actually been on board of one of those submarines (truth). Please understand . when I say ... "No fuckin' way !!!". -
Ice man
Oh yes you're right. I'm so sorry ladies, transvestites, gays & lesbians. -
Ice man
Since when do you need a special invitation ? -
Ice man
A little short, were you ? -
Ice man
That's odd, most of them go to Florida for Spring Break. -
Ice man
Mine either. -
Ice man
None left, we BBQ'd the last one yesterday. -
Ice man
There's a bit of macaroni salad, and some coleslaw. I threw out what was left of the Caesar salad, because it doesn't keep well. -
Ice man
No, it means the salad spoils overnight, and the rabbits won't even eat it. -
Ice man
No, it's all sticky and mushy. Just like your underwear. -
Ice man
fifteen what ? -
Ice man
Yeah and I had to tie up my shoe laces, comb my beard, trim my eyebrows, and clip a few nose hairs. But I'm ready to go now. Bye. -
Ice man
Of course I can tie my own shoe laces, or else I'd be doing more trippin' than a 1960's acid stoner. You're a weird-dough !
cant think of any right now
oil and exhaust fumes. all the auto races I went to,
Linda Joy
I went to the drag races once with my boyfriend when I was a teen, was sitting on the bleachers behind the strip the car was spinning its tires and slung a hot pebble up into the leg of my shorts and when I jumped up it pressed the rock against my leg and burned it bad!
The smell of a bus station. I just now saw the part of why. It's because of riding the Greyhound buss a few times.
Apple Pie with cinnamon. Ymmmmm
Linda Joy
When was the last time you had one? Have you ever baked one?
One smell taking me back to my childhood is cedar Growing up until I was 12 my sister, one year old and my parents lived in a home with a cedar closet, I loved going in there and smelling the crisp, refreshing cedar scent,
Fibreglass resin, Castrol R, yeast & fresh bread. Looking back I don't think I grew up in a "normal" household....
Linda Joy
I figured that out for myself when I was in about 3rd grade.
My late maternal grandparent's house smell like good food cooking on Sundays
It smell so good
real live christmas trees
Pet waste. Growing up, we had remarkable pets like dogs so big that their "calling cards" were as big as shock absorbers - guess who had to clean up after something like that? Then, there were the cats. For anyone who doesn't know, being litterbox trained isn't a natural instinct - but burying their "business" is. I remember more than once picking up a Sunday paper off the floor and watching a chocolate river come gushing out of it...😖
Sourberries and sour clover always take me back to summers with my cousins gathering and eating good stuff with the grandparents while the parents worked. 3/26/23
Cedar, There was a cedar closet in the rec room house where I grew up. Plus there was cedar growing near the River in Norma in South Jersey.
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