Absolutely. If and when available, if my doctor recommends it. I'm almost 72...I have been getting yearly flu shots since I was 60 because my doctor told me that from then on I needed to do that to protect myself each year. If he believes I need the one for the swine flu, I'll get that too although I've read that that particular flu seems to hurt young people far more than us older folks and I don't know why that is! :)
no, i dont have health insurance and i cant afford to get the shot.
I'm not sure if I'll get that or not. I do get my regular flu shot ever it earlier this week, actually.
Yes that is the plan. Hopefully next week if they have the vaccine.
no, i dont trust it
Nope. I am not afraid of it and think its mostly political hype.
Almost certainly not. Not unless all of a sudden things turn for the worse and lots of people start dying. So far, AH1N1 seems to be far less dangerous than the ordinary annual flu.
Nope. I've already had H1N1, and it isn't as bad as all that. Also, I am quite run down. I have not been getting very much sleep, and I'm a little sick, so getting the vaccine now might not be a good idea.
Here is a link to the world map of H1N1 outbreaks as of Sept 12, 2009 It's an interctive map. You click on the location and wil get a detailed account of where exactly the cases are.
I will pass. No thankyou. I bet in the new health care program, you have to get the shot or forfeit the care.
The army is making me
It may not be your decision. In my state the vaccine will not be distributed to doctors' offices. Only the health department will have it and it will only be available to people with certain diagnoses, age will not be a determining factor here.
No I don't trust it. It's the same vaccine that was given in the 70's for another flu and many people were permanently disabled because of it. I'm taking natural precautions!
I am. Heres why: If you get the vaccine, it will prevent you from getting H1N1 by at least 50%. And it will not permitly disable you! IT WILL NOT! YOU WILL BE SICK FOR LIKE, 3 DAYS BUT THEN YOU WILL FEEL BETETR AND ITS ALL WORTH IT! Your Welcome!
Yes and so is my lady. +3
Absolutely not If I can't fight it off myself, let it kill me! It's dog eat dog. Germs included.
Nope. Not a chance. Im not in a high risk group
No. I never get flu shots and haven't had the flu in decades.
probably not for a while, if at all
I'll be waiting at least a couple years for the leftard-libtard volunteer guinea pigs to properly vett it, so I can compare its survivability rate against that of COVID. Roll up them sleeves Comrades...this crap ain't gonna vett itself!
I've already gotten it. Of course, even though most people weren't vaccinated back there in 2009, the H1N1 virus killed only about 12,000 people, not over 600,000. Covid has killed on a 1918-19 Spanish flu scale. H1N1 never did.
not getting any as there are bad side effects in some.. some cause blood clots ..
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